NerwenAldarion Member


  • Then you will NEVER be happy. I currently have four different Jeans. One is a size 0 Two are a size 2 One is a size 4 Different brands, different sizes only two different stores No matter what size you are, there will always be differences based on the cut, the fit, the brand etc. As for the topic. I'm not sure what size…
  • My brother We went on a caribbean cruise, you know the kind where everywhere you turn you find some tasty delight tempting to you eat too much of? He stopped by the soft serve icecream stand everytime he passed it (Which was at least 5 times a day) One time he went up to the deck to get ice cream, finished it before he…
  • What you need to do is sync the fitbit app with My Fitness Pal. Under exercises you will see a "Fitbit calorie adjustment" that will start off at 0 if you are under or at your MFP calorie estimation (you can turn off the negative so it will show that you have burned less than what MFP assumes). If your fitbit shows you…
  • I sent an email to the NEDA but I'm not expecting much, I live in a small town and there aren't a lot of therapists or groups close by
  • I think not going into grad school would make things worse to be honest. I need to have a master's degree in my current field (anthropology) in order to actually get a career, otherwise I'm basically stuck making minimum wage and living with my parents. I know Grad School is stressful but all of this started when I didn't…
  • I'm not sure if it is that simple. I don't have a lot of support from my family in this regard. They support my weight loss completely while my mom and sister simply want to shove food in my mouth to fix the problem. But actually seeking help is another matter. My dad doesn't support me getting help at all. I had to go to…
  • Hey! I just joined the group myself so I thought this was a good place to start with introductions. I'm 23 turning 24 in two days and I currently lost probably over 50 pounds. I can only guesstimate how much I weighed but I think I was in the 160's to 170's (size 12-14) and now I'm at 118 in size 0-2.…
  • Hi! 23 (24 in 2 days!) female in Tennessee. Became a gamer way back when Nintendo 64 was all the rage and I enjoyed whipping my brother's high school friends in Mario Kart (I was 9 hehehe) I'm currently a HUGE xbox fan (Nerwen37) who loves the first Mass Effect Game, Assassin's Creed, Halo series and especially the Gears…
  • I live in the Great Smoky Mountains and just started running to help with some anxiety and stay healthy. I'm really new to running so I'm happy to find a place with Tennessee people. I'm thinking about looking into a marathon to have a goal to work for to keep me motivated since that is probably my biggest hurdle. Anyone…
  • Thank you. I'm working on figuring out what kind of calories I should eat but it's not so much what I need to eat but the problem of simply not being able to eat enough. I went to my doctor who told me to try to eat 1500 calories. The problem is I struggle to get to 1000. It's just hard for me to get more calories when I'm…
  • I was a 4 for a couple of months and my parents told me there was no way I'd become a 2, not with my hips. But sure enough, after a little time my size 4 jeans are too big. Now I'm a size 2 or 0 I'm 5'3'' with big hips so it can be done.
  • All right I'll try that. Thank you
  • Yes I am eating 700 calories and exercising. I'm trying to up my calorie intake, I got to 1000 yesterday but I'm still just not hungry enough to eat more than 900 or so.