girlmrcs_1 Member


  • Miller 64 is surprisingly tasty. Otherwise its Captain and Diet Coke or vodka and diet tonic water with a lemon wedge. Have fun and be safe :)
  • Hahaha, love this! I'll play 1.) Everything has it's place, it's where I've designated it to be. Put it back in the wrong spot, and I WILL freak out. 2.) I love all cats, but I love mine the most. He lets me hold him like a baby. 3.) I am the best motorcycle passenger ever.
  • If this is a place to rant and rave, then I must say that if I don't give myself compliments; I never get them. My husband refuses to acknowledge my weight loss. Its frustrating, but I guess if I'm not my own champion, I'll get nowhere. Congrats to everyone who is making progress!
  • Add mayo (or equivalent) and capers (or green olives) and wrap in large lettuce leaves!