

  • Definitely allow yourself some treats. I lost weight despite eating 2 cubes of chocolate and 5 jelly sweets almost every day ... just made sure I did enough exercise to cover the calories.
  • Maybe you are not getting enough nutrients? Take a good multivitamin every day, and eat half a protein bar at snack times to help stabilise your blood sugar and keep you full. If your body feels deprived it will give you cravings, so eat small amounts every 3 to four hours and try and include more fruit and veg in your…
  • Diet pepsi and diet cola sure are bad news hey! I started having one glass with the odd takeaway (I figured it was better than all those high calorie sodas they offer) but now I have a glass or two every day. I tried giving it up for a while, but somehow got back onto it. Unfortunately any artificially sweetened beverage…
  • Biscuits and now if the family are having pizza or takeaway I only have a tiny portion, or sometimes none at all. I still have chocolate but limit myself to one piece so it is easy to work in to my daily allowance. :-)
  • Great advice, thanks! I think it is all too easy to fall into bad habits, and getting into the right mind-set is essential to make changes. I have sat down and confronted all the emotional issues that have troubled me, and that has really helped me to identify the problem and open up the road to change. Sometimes all you…
  • My husband is far from a healthy eater and likes to have his snacks so despite my best efforts to keep the junk out the house, he always wins that battle. I think maybe I should allocate a cupboard for him so he doesn't tempt the rest of us. ;-)
  • You know what it is ladies, men get to eat so much more than us, and without meaning for it to happen you can be influenced by their eating habits! And if your other half is not that active, that can have a negative impact on your fitness levels too! Beware of the comfy clothing - not a girl's best friend! ;-) Watch your…
  • Hi Christina, it might be worth checking your energy expenditure for your exercise routines. I struggled to lose weight for years thinking that exercising a lot would help counteract calorie intake, but sadly the truth is you would have to spend hours and hours in the gym to knock off a few hundred calories, so in the end…
  • I used to eat all the calories available, and often a bit more, but then I would exercise off the excess calories. MFP really worked for me as it made me realize just how many kilojoules are lurking in seemingly innocent foods and also made me pay attention to how much I was eating. The best part is that I still ate the…