blueyedwolfe Member


  • I am 5' 7" and currently sitting mid 180's but I want to get to 160. Workin' on it with Insanity, but at the moment Insanity has put muscle on me so I'm putting on a couple pounds. Which I can deal with. I just want to be in my 9 jeans again (old school 9's not the new 9's that are more like 3's). But in the end inches…
  • Well I watched the interview with Shaun T the other day, and there was a QA. From a lot of what I heard/read, it has been really normal to gain weight up till the start of the Max Interval month. That was when everyone was commenting that the weight started dropping off. Shaun T said that the first month is really just to…
  • I know this is an old thread,but for the Love of God! MUSCLE and FAT WEIGH THE SAME. One pound of muscle is EQUAL to ONE POUND OF FAT. The difference in the space taken! EXAMPLE: a ONE POUND LEAD BRICK vs. ONE POUND of FEATHERS...both weight ONE POUND, one just takes a LOT less room. Simple science and mathematics! With…
  • I am on day 3 of Insanity! I just finished up with p90x and jumped into the Insanity....Anyone on the Team Beachbody website add me, Squeekerz!! Would love more accountability partners!! :-D
  • It can be your friend; BUT depending on the type of work out and diet you are on, it can be EXTREMELY discouraging! Take me for an instance: I was on the hCG drops for several months and had to weigh myself each day. The great thing was each day I saw anywhere from .5 to 3 lbs drop off. Now that I am done with the drops, I…