Weight gain with Insanity?! Please help!



    INSANITY43 Posts: 142
    Hi....I completed the INSANITY 60 day challenge about mid-April...I only missed one workout the entire time - which was an incredible NSV for me!!! However, I only lost about 4-5 lbs....very discouraging when I would step on the scales. HOWEVER, use your tape measure I lost 3 inches off my chest.....about 4 inches off my waist....5 off my hips and about 1 1/2 inches of my thighs! I'm now mixing my favorite INSANITY workouts with a Bob Harper Strength (weights) dvd...I do INSANITY 3 days a week and the Bob Harper DVD 3 days....and I've lost about 6 more lbs. My MFP ticker doesn't show that because I started MFP when I was nearly finished with INSANITY. So, don't be discouraged...keep it up...you will see results...Oh and I also bough a HRM and realized that I needed to eat more calories and increase my protein. Hope it helps!
  • mjga2043
    mjga2043 Posts: 23 Member
    I am so glad to read this. I am only on day 3 of Insanity, but I have gained a pound. I know I need to drink more water. Anyone experienced like to view my dairy and friend me? I definitely know I am toning. I am sore deep in my core which is an awesome feeling. I definitely will keep it up and I guess I need to ignore the scale for now.
  • blueyedwolfe
    blueyedwolfe Posts: 6 Member
    I know this is an old thread,but for the Love of God! MUSCLE and FAT WEIGH THE SAME. One pound of muscle is EQUAL to ONE POUND OF FAT. The difference in the space taken! EXAMPLE: a ONE POUND LEAD BRICK vs. ONE POUND of FEATHERS...both weight ONE POUND, one just takes a LOT less room. Simple science and mathematics!

    With that said, I hope all of your adventures in Insanity have gone well. I am in the recovery week and YES I have a 5 pound gain after dropping 2 pounds. I am back to 186 from 181 :-( I know I drink more than enough water (5+ 34oz bottles a day) and I have upped my calories the best I can. I am also trying to take into account my monthly cycle reaking havoc.

    But anywho, best of luck to all of y'all!
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I don't get it. Why didn't you guys follow the insanity nutrition manual?
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I'm glad someone had a post on this because i am experiencing somethign similar right now. my first week of insanity i dropped from 127 to 125... the second week i am back up to 128. i am ending my 3rd week now and i'm a little nervous because as of today i am still at 128. so i'm wondering if you can do 3 weeks of this program and still experience no weight loss or a weight gain. at this point, shouldn't weight be coming off? i looked at all the numbers. i am eating 1700 a day and my bmr is about 1250. so you'd think i'd lose weight or at least maintain... i am 5'4" by the way... 24% body fat... so i don't get why i am not maintaining or losing. do i need to give it more time than 3 weeks? you'd think i'd have gotten back to 125 at least, not be maintainig. and no TOM coming up so i don't even have that to blame it on. oh, i am NETting about 1400-1500 calories a day supposedly. i know my burns are lower because i weigh less. i dont' think i'd burn over 400 on even pure cardio/cardio abs days.
  • Bull2707
    Bull2707 Posts: 106
    I am also on week 3 of Insanity. LOVE IT!! I have noticed that I am getting more toned but I am slimming down. This is a good time to take measurments vice the scale. Have fun
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    measurements are the same actually... so im not sure what's up
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    anyone have any advice?
  • blueyedwolfe
    blueyedwolfe Posts: 6 Member
    Well I watched the interview with Shaun T the other day, and there was a QA. From a lot of what I heard/read, it has been really normal to gain weight up till the start of the Max Interval month. That was when everyone was commenting that the weight started dropping off. Shaun T said that the first month is really just to condition your body for the Max Interval work outs. And I am definitely using the Elite Nutrition book as a guide for my intake. It specifically states that with this work out it is NOT the time to diet and cut calories. I personally find it hard to get above 1300-1400, so I am waiting to see what happens now that started into the Max Interval month.
    You definitely do not want to give up in just the third week. I know I felt so much better at the end of Core Cardio & Balance week. Felt like I lost a few inches around my waist and hips, more than likely water weight/swelling. I won't weight myself again or measure until the end of this month, because knowing my body, I am expecting a little more inflammation from the intensity of the new work out in the beginning. And these next circuits are intense!!

    Good luck! Hope you see the results you are working soon!
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    so happy to find this forum! I gained, as well, as was freaking out! My clothes all still fit and measurements show no real change. BUT I am tighter all over and I feel like I have more muscle. My husband has noticed a difference in how I feel. It's true that month 2 is where the money is. I just finished my first week of month 2 and am already down a pound. :)
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