Looking for INSANITY friends!! Who is with me??



  • Eandretta96
    Eandretta96 Posts: 119
    I did it for about 5 months and my cardio was amazing but my diet was whack so i did not lose weight. very good program though. Im sorry im so tired so im writing kinda bad.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I am starting week 7 next. I have a break tomorrow. Anyone can add me, just include a message please.

    Just for reference as I see questions on calories burned. I am 5'3" and 149 lbs. the first month, I burned about 320 calories per my HRM, in the 2nd month, I burn between 400-500.
  • I LOVE Insanity! I played high school and college varsity sports, so this is really great for keeping me in shape 2 kids later, and 8 years down the road. I am actually thinner now, thanks to Insanity, than I was between college and my first child. I have used it multiple times. This time around it is because the teachers at my school are having a biggest loser contest. I have been keeping to the diet and working out to the videos and have lost 10 pounds in a month, which is a lot for me. (138-128) I log it as high intensity cardio with the times that it begins with, because your body continues to burn calories even as you stretch and rest for those 30 second intervals. I hope this helps you.

    I also use turbojam, which is fun cardio. I just bought Turbofire on craigslist and can't wait for it to get here!!! :)
  • blueyedwolfe
    blueyedwolfe Posts: 6 Member
    I am on day 3 of Insanity! I just finished up with p90x and jumped into the Insanity....Anyone on the Team Beachbody website add me, Squeekerz!! Would love more accountability partners!! :-D
  • I want to join! Find me on FB Kelly Battaglia Garland. :)
  • sfjohnson16
    sfjohnson16 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm on Week 3 1/2 of Insanity! I love it.
  • I am on day 3 and I about want to shoot myself! I am so sore it is painful to walk!! but I am pushing through it and am excited for the results.
  • Hey Amanda,

    I'm on board! Started insanity Monday (3/19/2012) and loving it.
  • Just got my dvds out, gonna dig deep and actually try to use them!! :happy:
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    Do you all do Shakology or other supplements? Have you followed the calorie goals?
  • Finnolao
    Finnolao Posts: 1 Member
    Heard great things about Insanity! Haven't started it yet....I hear it's bad for people with knee issues. I tore ACL six yrs. ago, had it replaced, but still have pain. Would like to hear if anyone's had knee issues. Thanks, all!
  • I wish I could, but I just had a c-section 11 days ago. But once my doctor okays it I will slowly get my body ready to get back into insanity. As I was doing it when I got pregnant. Perhaps if you do a second round. I miss insanity...
  • jessica_johnson2011
    jessica_johnson2011 Posts: 61 Member
    I am starting Insanity either today or tomorrow! Feel free to add me too! I hope that I am up for this challenge!! :)
  • jessica_johnson2011
    jessica_johnson2011 Posts: 61 Member
    I LOVE Insanity! I played high school and college varsity sports, so this is really great for keeping me in shape 2 kids later, and 8 years down the road. I am actually thinner now, thanks to Insanity, than I was between college and my first child. I have used it multiple times. This time around it is because the teachers at my school are having a biggest loser contest. I have been keeping to the diet and working out to the videos and have lost 10 pounds in a month, which is a lot for me. (138-128) I log it as high intensity cardio with the times that it begins with, because your body continues to burn calories even as you stretch and rest for those 30 second intervals. I hope this helps you.

    I also use turbojam, which is fun cardio. I just bought Turbofire on craigslist and can't wait for it to get here!!! :)

    I am a teacher too! We did the Biggest Loser Contest last year and I found out I was pregnant about 2 weeks into it! haha NOW I am trying to get toned back up from the pregnancy, etc. I've lost the weight.... now I just have to get rid of the flab! :)
  • ckjelden
    ckjelden Posts: 2 Member
    Did Insanity last Fall! Loved it :) Going to start it up again tomorrow. Although the 2nd month is really hard on the knees!
  • llabeff
    llabeff Posts: 4
    I have 2 weeks left!! I will be happy to push you guys through it!!!
  • knobody09
    knobody09 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey guys,

    Just finished my first week today. It's a great experience. My body was sore this whole week. Tomorrow is my rest day. Then 8 more weeks to go. Feel free to add me. I also need the support and motivation.

    Dig Deep!!!
  • I did Day 5 this morning!! I'm so sore!!! But I feel so good!!
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    Hey guys,

    Just finished my first week today. It's a great experience. My body was sore this whole week. Tomorrow is my rest day. Then 8 more weeks to go. Feel free to add me. I also need the support and motivation.

    Dig Deep!!!
    Great Job! I am the exact same schedule- Enjoy your rest day!
  • Jls1203
    Jls1203 Posts: 1
    I'm on day 4..long way to go!