

  • well i guess that this app counts the calories that you take and put out. So if you exersice you get to eat just a little bit more to complete your calorie intake. The more you loose the calorie intake will change. I think. I hope that kinda helps, :)
  • I agree... i suggest that you keep a zip lock of carrot sticks or something kinda like that to keep away any cravings since you are so low on calories. Keep up the good work!
  • Welcome! I have almost the same problem with the extra "baby fat" except i waited till after the fourth baby to start. You will do great!!!
  • Wow! Most definitly. Thanks :)
  • I think that the loss of control is what keeps me reverting back to bad or huge amounts of food to make me feel like i am in control... sounds kinda weird. Don't give up, if you did it once you can do it again. When i get close to eating something that will set me back i tell myself "what will make me feel better? This…