qhiggins86 Member


  • What a great transformation! Keep going!!!
  • Hey Skeebee!!! LO is doing awesome. Trucking toward her 8 months, skipping the crawling straight to standing up. I fear she's going to start walking before I can accept that she's not a pile of unmoving cuteness anymore! How's your LO doing with solids and sleep? I feel like I'm behind with feeding her solids because she…
  • yeesh... wheel no thanks! You two ladies are so entertaining. Seriously though, starting Phase 2 today dang it!!!! I don't care how hard it is, I'm just going to do it. I think Nike was onto something with that motto. Just do it. Nothing else matters!
  • Hey ladies! Sorry I was gone for a bit.i was out with a cold until Tuesday, then I just got back from a business trip today. Just wanted to chime in that I'm starting phase 2 tomorrow and I'm terrified of Cardio 2!
  • How are the plyos in phase 3? I'm hoping my connective tissues get stronger as I do this program so I don't have to worry about my knees, but you never know...
  • Wrapped, not Stafford. Wtf phone!
  • The one time I rushed trying to get the cable Stafford around my feet for cable pulls, I didn't wrap it, just looped it. MISTAKE! Damn cable snapped off my feet during a pull and whipped my boobies so hard it left welts! I was laughing and crying at the same time! The rest of that workout was worthless cuz I wanted to take…
  • I have no idea what my resistance bands are, but I snatched them from my husband. They work ok, but I'm too stubborn to spend anymore money than I already have! Lol
  • I fell behind too, but the idea of paying catch up is too stressful to me. So I've decided to just start over with dvd 3 like I'm just starting the second part of phase 1 again. I'm ok with being behind. Speaking of behind, my *kitten* is so sore from doing dvd 4 yesterday and it hasn't even been a full 24 hours yet! I…
    in CHAT Comment by qhiggins86 December 2014
  • True! Thanks for letting me confess. I'm back on it today :smiley: And by that, I'm back to watching Kenta while slowly suffering!
  • I like the idea of having periodic exercise challenges throughout the year... maybe one week out of each month or something along those lines? Let's get creative, ladies!
    in Hi! Comment by qhiggins86 December 2014
  • I'm ok with changing the name of this group to Kenta's Creepers! haha! He is one lovely specimen, I will say that. Mhhmm. That is all I will say. Well, that's all I should say. I was creeping on his personal fitness page and he's Jillian's trainer!!! Wha whaaaat?! Official badass!
  • Yes ma'am! I wish I wasn't broke. I lost my expensive *kitten* running shoes when I was traveling 2 months ago too, so I'm using a *kitten* pair of shoes to work out in. Grrr!
  • 20% off going on right now!!! 20OFFSHOE
  • 5'6" Pre-pregnancy- 212 lbs 5/28/14 delivery day- 224 lbs 3 says after delivery- 208 lbs 6 weeks postpartum- 200 lbs 10 weeks 12/15/14- 208 lbs my baby is 6 months 3 weeks Caloric intake- 1900 avg My goal is to not keep too detailed of calories burned from exercise and breastfeeding because it led me to justify overeating.…
  • I ran suicides with a smile on my face last night after you informed me that burpees are next... bahahaha
  • Hey! My starting weight is 211 lbs. I started 2 weeks ago at 216 lbs. I want to be down 50 lbs by this time next year too!
    in Hi! Comment by qhiggins86 December 2014
  • Hi there! My name is Quana, I'm 28 and my current weight is 211 lbs. Those sound like attainable goals! I have very similar goals too :smiley: I had my baby almost 7 months ago and let myself go after I had her. I almost got back up to my high pregnancy weight before I turned things around. I started my weight loss at 216…
  • I have the zumba kinect games... so fun! I love how customizable they are!
  • I would agree with CarrieCans... but I'm also at a loss on how to log it as well, so I've just been avoiding the fried food thing for now.
  • I bought one myself about a year ago, but I've been afraid to use it. I found out I was pregnant about a month after I purchased it so I didn't bother... but now I'm tempted to give it a try again now that I'm seriously working out again.
  • All I've noticed so far is that I'm taking less and less breaks as the workouts progress. Holding my baby doesn't seem to be as daunting as before either...lol.
  • Wait... burpees are coming up?! :scream: I actually like Sari's enthusiasm. I'm sure after the 4th time I've seen it I'll get annoyed, but I always look to people who seem to find the positive in whatever we're doing, especially in a workout setting.
  • The best relief I ever had with shin splints was to buy those small gatorade paper cups and freeze it half full of water. Then after a workout, I would tear down the side of the cup until some of the ice was exposed, and press that in a massaging motion onto my shin for about 5 mins on each side. It helps reduce the…
  • I can see the progress! You're doing great :awesome:
  • I already noticed an improvement with the push ups. I'm doing them on my knees, but I could barely do any the first time. Yesterday I was able to do a lot more, but I couldn't keep up with the pace of the athletes. I'm excited to see where I am on Saturday when I do that dvd again!
  • I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE watching (and by watching, I mean staring) at Kenta... but anyways, Lana is my inspiration since Jillian pointed out that she has had three kids. I just had one this year and thought I had a pass, but obviously not!! I have a soft spot for Anita and Natalie from 30DS. Mimi is my new favorite though... love…
  • I'm not doing the kickstart so I did cardio for the first time on Monday and holy crap... It better get easier by tomorrow or else I may be throwing up all over my living room! That dvd is so hard!!! :s
  • I feel like with certain moves that my toes are going to cramp up on me! But pain is no bueno!!! Where is the pain concentrated at? Can you tell if it's a muscle or a ligament? Ice and elevate! I used to have issues with my arches all the time because they're so dang high. Rolling tennis balls on my feet helped.
  • I hear ya, @KrisDa24! I just finished day 3 this morning. I'm not doing the 7-day kickstart because I really don't have a lot of extra time with a 6 month old and volleyball open gyms! I feel very sore, and I think those squats were the death of me. Also, that cardio dvd ain't no joke!!! :s I haven't done suicides since…