

  • Hi! I recommend Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga with Jennifer Wolfe andPrenatal Yoga with Desi Bartlett as they offer a variety of easy and effective prenatal yoga routines. I am a fitness and yoga intructor in downtown Chicago for 10 years now and we basically incorporate their system with ours as it is very effective. Also you…
  • Hi! Maintaining a healthy diet during your pregnancy is key to both your and the baby’s health. The key to a good diet in pregnancy is moderation; there are very few foods you need to avoid, but pay attention to the amount consumed not only for health risks like food borne illnesses or toxins, but also to avoid unnecessary…
  • Hi! There Are a lot of great yoga dvd's out there but I personally recommend Yoga For Beginners by Barbara Benagh and Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown because its simple, complete and effective. I am a yoga instructor in downtown Chicago for 10 years now and we basically incorporate their system with our system and I can…
  • Hi Jessica! Thumbs up for having the determination to get your body back on track! Swimming and lifting dumbbells is a good way to loose weight but I can also suggest doing yoga as it will help tone your body and mind. I am a yoga instructor and practitioner in downtown Chicago for 10 years now and a lot of my students…
  • Hi! There Are a lot of great yoga dvd's out there but I personally recommend Yoga For Beginners by Barbara Benagh and Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown because its simple, complete and effective. I am a yoga instructor in downtown Chicago for 10 years now and we basically incorporate their system with our system and I can…
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