Yoga Dvds



  • Hi! There Are a lot of great yoga dvd's out there but I personally recommend Yoga For Beginners by Barbara Benagh and Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown because its simple, complete and effective. I am a yoga instructor in downtown Chicago for 10 years now and we basically incorporate their system with our system and I can say that a lot of our yoga practitioners find it effective.

    You can also find helpful yoga videos in YouTube by Lionsgate BeFit and online yoga sites like live yoga life for yoga tips and instructions. Hope this could help you out.

    Sandy Sherwood
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    Do you just do yoga to exercise? Can you actually lose weight just doing yoga or do I need to incorporate harder intense workouts too?

    It really doesn't matter what (if any) exercise you do, your weight loss will happen by eating at a calorie deficit. If you cannot stick to the calorie deficit and find yourself going over your allowed calories each day, you will likely need to do more intense exercise than yoga to burn those extra calories.

    Personally I'd recommend incorporating a mixture of strength training, cardio and yoga into your week. This variety will keep your workouts from becoming stale as well as give you a more fit looking body as your weight starts coming off.
  • eryquem
    eryquem Posts: 66 Member
    My wife is really into yoga, and she's been doing stuff from this site:

    There's some free stuff, but she's got a paid subscription, and can download or stream a bunch of videos. There seems to be a good range of stuff, and from what she tells me, it seems pretty advanced. I can definitely vouch for the results she's getting.