

  • HI and welcome! I'm new here too but I am loving it. We have very similar weight goals and we are close to the same weight now. I weigh 163. I know exactly what you mean about weighing everyday. I do the same thing! Not good I know....It does help me though that I'm on this site all day long off and on and I can see my…
  • Hi Mufiey and welcome. I'm new here myself but I love it! I have already learned so much about watching what I eat. I'm much more aware of every food choice I make and though I'm only about 15 lbs. overweight I can see that I was headed for much bigger weight and healthy problems on my recent diet and excercise path. I've…
  • These are all good responses. I was hoping to lose two lbs. a week, but when I saw that the recommended was 1lb. per week I decided to do as the experts suggest and really pay attention to what I'm eating--enter everything and be really sensible. Although I'm not much overweight it took me some time to get this way and…