

  • Try to eat more than 3 meals, at least 5-6 small but nutrient packed meals. Nuts bars and protein bars are great snacks and grab-n-go ideas. Always have water with you. Start small but work your way up in water. A water tracking app on your phone is a great idea!! I think making a calendar of meals is a fantastic idea!…
  • Hi all! Can't wait for tmw Name: Just call me "CurvyCat" Where ya from: California How long you've been on MFP: 2 weeks Top three goals for the month of November: clean up my eating, up my workouts to an hour a day and kick my sugar addiction Favorite "sin" food (that irresistable "unhealthy" food you just can't resist):…
  • "She's about your size, but smaller" :-| !!!
  • When I have a shape other than round (right now) I'm an hourglass too. A-line dresses always hide hips and booty or umpire waist dresses too but I personally think embrace your curves girl! Don't allow yourself to feel self-conscious or nervous about wearing something a little more form fitting. Most importantly don't…
  • definitely talk to your Dr... maybe ask him about water fitness?
  • Can never have enough support! Needing to lose 209 lbs. Add me if you'd like! Also sharing my entire journey on tumblr and have a substantial weight loss group on google+ because this isn't easy! In to my 2nd week now. ♥
  • I'll them once my clothes start to look ridiculously baggy on me. hahaha I think I'll also keep my largest jeans and shirt so I can always remember.
  • I'm here, I just joined too! I check in every couple days ♥ How's your journey going??
  • New here! Hoping to lose 212 lbs (give or take) Could Use lots of support because I'm afraid of failing, yet again :( which leads to more weight gain.... this is hard!