Hi everyone ive been on slimming world for a little while now and have lost almost a stone. The last few weeks I've really struggled due to going on holiday just got back from weigh in and I've gained 4lbs :o . So as of today I have deided to follow the Slimming world plan but also count calories. Please feel free to add…
oh both of them sound lovely thank you may try the berries one tomorrow :)
I've been on the weight loss plan 10 weeks and lost just under 2 stone!!! I love herbalife that much i signed up to be a distributor :) Good luck to everyone :) please feel free friend me as I'd live to have some friends on here for support who are traveling the same journey as me. Gina
Hi just came across this thread im also on herbalife :) My snacks include chicken drumsticks, nuts, rice cakes, low fat cheese triangles, hard boiled eggs a piece of brown bread and of course the yummy protein bars.
WOW what a transformation well done you look amazing!!! And I bet your feeling much healthier as well what an inspiration to everyone trying to lose weight.
GREAT attitude good luck in your journey to become a heathier fitter you:) I joined fitness pal a few years ago but had silly goals in mind.........which I could never have stuck to. I've just re-joined after giving birth to a beautiful little girl :) with more realistic goals. I have joined herbalife which has helped me…