

  • Bad foods include trans/hydrogenated fats, sugar, processed/junk foods, GMO foods, animal protein shot full of drugs, antibiotics and hormones...but I guess you already knew this
  • Not all calories are the same. Calories from ESSENTIAL fats and protein are used for cell growth and repair. I don't know exactly what proportion of the calories consumed from fats and protein foods are initially used up for cell growth and repair but what is certain is that sugary and starchy food rich in carbohydrates…
  • No point. Unfortunately there are a few people regularly on these forums that get off on attacking and trashing anyone who doesn't agree with their point of view. I'm beginning to think their unwarranted aggression maybe down to a nutritional injury. After all, garbage in...garbage out. Let's face it, not all calories are…
  • Forget about losing weight and focus on losing fat. Forget about counting calories (boring, boring, boring) and count carbohydrates instead. Forget about a diet low in fat and high in carbohydrates. make fat your new best friend and carbohydrates high on the glycemic index your worst enemy. All is not lost. Try eating less…
  • Carbohydrate drives insulin drives fat (Cahill 1965, and Taubes 2007) Try cutting the carbs to 80g or less per day and make sure they're the healthy variety i.e. vegetables and fruit not bread, rice, pasta etc.
  • I'm always surprised that our idea of celebrating frequently goes hand in hand with making ourselves feel poorly/guilty afterwards. Healthy fat (think butter, coconut, olive oil) is not the enemy, sugar is. Still not convinced? Keep learning.…
  • Watch this before you do!
  • ...because you're afraid of fat?
  • I'm not convinced that the least calorific equates with the healthies,t and heaven only knows what goes into most restaurant prepared food! I'd select the simplest foods i.e those that have been messed around with the least and I'd steer clear of sugar and refined carbohydrates including bread, brioche, pastry, made up…
  • All foods rich in carbohydrate, ergo bread, pasta, cereal, potato, rice, corn, sweetcorn, sweets, desserts, fruits and sugary drinks, are eventually converted by the digestive system to a simple sugar called glucose, which along with fat is the body's main source of energy. If you eat more carbohydrate/sugar than your body…
  • Try kiwi fruit every day
  • Who or what are you? Presumably you only want people to agree with you? A major factor in ignorance is a closed mind.
  • Excess carbohydrates is usually the decisive factor in not being able to lose weight - irrespective of how many calories you consume.
  • So you didn't need any help then? What a disingenuous question if you don't want to change anything in your life. You said you wanted to lose a couple of pounds (maybe?) and then maintain it and that's what I responded to. I have spent years eating healthy and suffering from insidious weight gain...until I connected the…
  • I suggest you stop counting calories and count carbs instead. It is so much easier and effective! Check out the Primal Diet, which restricts carbohydrates but still allows you the occasional glass of wine, noggin of cheese and smidge of dark chocolate. In a nutshell this is how: Ditch grains: refined grains, whole grains,…