Plateo / Raw please help struggling

hi guys
i am now hooked up with a personal trainer, he has put me on a 2 week detox of which i am just getting to the end of the first week, however i am struggling so bad. Here is alist of the ONLY things i am allowed to eat:
berries - including cherries
greek natural yoghurt
Eggs - boiled, poached or scrambled
Nuts - Cashews, brazil & Almond
Organic peanut butter
Green veg - broccoli, kale, spinach, green beans
Cous Cous
Water and Herbal teas

I know it looks a lot but really it isnt, I am struggling with energy (I am working out 3 to 4 times a week) but even walking up the stairs now makes me feel out of breathe. Does anyone have any meal ideas bear in mind the only cooked thing i have is fish, and fish and spinach every night is wearing me down.

I dont feel i can talk to my trainer as i would feel like i am letting him down, i am sticking rigidly to it and i am in full blown ketosis but its making me so miserable and cranky. I just crave a cup of normal tea but i cant have any dairy. This detox is supposed to last two weeks but i feel so terrible i cant go on like this for another week.

Has anyone else done this? can they give me any advice? sorry for the long post but just dont know who else to else, have scoured the internet but this detox plan i cant find the only similar things i can find are raw diet and plateo.
Kind Regards


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    what is his reasoning behind you doing a detox? do you not have a liver or kidneys?
  • mskittenheels
    mskittenheels Posts: 15 Member
    hi tavistock
    he said i was now carb intolerant? and that my body wasnt burning any fat becuase of the amount of carbs i eat to be fair i am not overweight but i want to be at the bottom end of what is acceptable.

    i dont drink a great deal either so you are right i am unsure of why he wants me to detox and why so rigidly its making me a moody person.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    low/no carb is not for every one. It makes me miserable and I have no energy and constipation. Yes I know all the advocates of the diet say it is all in my mind, because it is the bestest, most awesomest diet EVA ... but there you go.

    I would suggest you talk to your trainer or find a trainer who you can talk to. Ultimately you are not doing this for your trainer, you do it for yourself and if it isn't working for you and it's not working for you. Actually couscous is a carb and needs to be cooked, maybe you should have some of that with some mushrooms and stirfried veggies :-)
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    hi tavistock
    he said i was now carb intolerant? and that my body wasnt burning any fat becuase of the amount of carbs i eat to be fair i am not overweight but i want to be at the bottom end of what is acceptable.

    i dont drink a great deal either so you are right i am unsure of why he wants me to detox and why so rigidly its making me a moody person.

    I loath to put this out there, but perhaps you are not burning any fat, because maybe you are already quite slim. Why do you want to be at the bottom end of what is acceptable?
  • mskittenheels
    mskittenheels Posts: 15 Member
    i had my body fat measured and it said even though i was within a healthy weight my body fat was 30% (which is considered overweight) and before i had my last baby i was always around the 125lb mark so it pushed me to lose the weight off my hips and thighs, (I had a tummy tuck in may to rid the baby fat off my tummy) but i am still not happy with how i look.
  • mskittenheels
    mskittenheels Posts: 15 Member
    hi giggles

    i am so rubbish at nutrition i didnt know cous cous was a carb! but i cant eat anything cooked as i cant use any oils / fats he said if its not on the list i cant eat it - can stir fry be cooked without any oil?

    you are so correct i am doing this for me and not him maybe its my mood thats making me feel so vunerable - and you are right its the most awesome diet for weight loss, but i think something has to give.

    i am seeing him in the morning so i will have to say something then as i cant keep eating basically fresh air and fruit i am going to faint!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Dump him he's stupid. No need to put yourself through this. Just eat less calories of ANY food you want than you burn a day.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    mushroom omelette ? can't see any difference between scrambling an egg and cooking it as an omelette TBH

    You can eat loads of calories in the nuts - or does he prescribe an amount.

    If you feel feint on standing you may need more salt.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    but i cant eat anything cooked as i cant use any oils / fats

    eh? so you have been eating raw cod?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i had my body fat measured and it said even though i was within a healthy weight my body fat was 30% (which is considered overweight) and before i had my last baby i was always around the 125lb mark so it pushed me to lose the weight off my hips and thighs, (I had a tummy tuck in may to rid the baby fat off my tummy) but i am still not happy with how i look.

    you only need a small deficit to lose bodyfat if you're at a healthy weight. like 200-300 cals per day...

    i agree with the other posters who have said sack the trainer off, you dont need any detoxes or fads to lose bodyfat, just a small deficit and some resistance/strength training and a load of patience!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Dump him he's stupid. No need to put yourself through this. Just eat less calories of ANY food you want than you burn a day.
    This ^

    There's no need to stick to such a restrictive diet. There's no need to detox anything. If you are already slim, just looking to decrease body fat....then create a small caloric deficit (set MFP to lose .5 lbs a week), focus on getting enough protein, healthy fats, fruits and veggies, and yes, even a healthy dose of carbs (whole grains are best), and consider an exercise regimine for starting to build muscle. (not to get helps burn the last stubborn fat reserves)
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    what is his reasoning behind you doing a detox? do you not have a liver or kidneys?

    ^^ This :smile:

    Also, how does he know you are carb intolerent? Is he a doctor, and has he done any medical tests? What are his qualifications? What is his reasoning behind giving you such a restrictive diet rather than, e.g. a balanced diet and more excercise to tone you up?

    No oil is possible with really good non-stick pans. For stir fries you can add a bit of water if it starts to stick.

    Personally, I think you should stop paying him money as it sounds like he's a bit of a quack, bring back the carbs into your diet and get the correct protein/carbs/fats balance, eat more veggies, and work out some more. Maybe combine some cardio e.g. cycling, running, swimming, with some pilates. All of these are considerably cheaper than a personal trainer, and the extra money can go into buying you treats!

    its the most awesome diet for weight loss
    actually not true - studies have shown that highly restrictive diets are counterproductive for weightloss as they end up making people binge when they get off them, and can lead to severe nutrient deficiencies.
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    I use non-stick and no longer cook with any oil, so you can do whatever you want really there :)

    Low carbing might just not be for you, I know it isn't for me. This diet sounds very extreme in my opinion, so just talk to him about it. If you can't be honest with your trainer then what is the point?
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    hi giggles

    i am so rubbish at nutrition i didnt know cous cous was a carb! but i cant eat anything cooked as i cant use any oils / fats he said if its not on the list i cant eat it - can stir fry be cooked without any oil?

    you are so correct i am doing this for me and not him maybe its my mood thats making me feel so vunerable - and you are right its the most awesome diet for weight loss, but i think something has to give.

    i am seeing him in the morning so i will have to say something then as i cant keep eating basically fresh air and fruit i am going to faint!

    In a non stick pan it can be done without oil, but I would add a splash of soy sauce for sodium (I don't get enough sodium throughout the day, in fact you frequently see me eat emergency pretzels, because when I don't have enough sodium - under 500mg - my blood pressure does funny things and I feel ill).

    I am really sorry, but I was being sarcastic with the most awesomest diet comment. In reality it's only awesome if you can do it for the rest of your life. If it makes you feel ill, it can't possibly be good for you. Carbs are not heroin in terms of addictiveness, so these are not withdrawal symptoms that you just suffer through to break the addiction. Your body is telling you that something is wrong. This is not a mind over matter moment, imagine you pass out whilst driving your car with your child in the back. Please have some pasta :-)
  • Hi mskittenheels,

    Sounds like a LCHF (low carb high fat) diet, which I am on - similar to yours I just get to eat lots of fats. and i eat ridiculously little carbs. it sounds kind of similar to what your trainer has you on though. The first week or so is horrible! I was so tired but could not sleep at all. also training 2-3 times a week.

    What you are doing is reprogramming your body, you basically want your body to stop using the carbs that you eat for energy and to start using the fats you've stored...

    I am on week two of about 7% carbs (which is what you get in along with your proteins and things).

    Ask him if you can't eat more fats to keep you fuller for longer and also help burn more fats. or i you're scared just start cooking with butter and and lots of oils...
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    looks like a crack pot to chicken even on a "low carb" diet chicken is the bomb.

    Boot him to the curb. Eat at a deficet and lift heavy things that will get you to a lower bodyfat %
  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member
    If I were on this "diet," I'd be binging like crazy... Just saying...

    You WILL lose weight, because it's insanely restrictive. But if you are struggling like crazy, now, what will happen after you lose some weight?
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It's an odd list. Couscous has carbs, as do thosefruits and veggies (albeit not many)

    Fish is great for protein - but so is chicken and other lean meats. Can you have prawns, scallops, tuna?

    If you can eat nuts I dont see why nut oil would be forbidden. But you can easily cook without oils - make a veg stirfry using water and soy sauce to stop them sticking. Make a nut roast with the nuts. Bake eggs in a nest of veg in the oven.

    Ask him for more clarificaton of what you can and cant eat, and why.
  • All foods rich in carbohydrate, ergo bread, pasta, cereal, potato, rice, corn, sweetcorn, sweets, desserts, fruits and sugary drinks, are eventually converted by the digestive system to a simple sugar called glucose, which along with fat is the body's main source of energy. If you eat more carbohydrate/sugar than your body needs for energy (as most people do) the body is forced to get rid of the toxic excess left in your bloodstream, which it does by storing it as glycogen in the liver and muscle cells. However, once these liver and muscle cells are 'full up' the rest is stored in your body as fat. The point being, it's sugar NOT dietary fat that gets stored in your cells as fat. I find both calorie counting and Paleo too restrictive because in the first instance I don't like feeling hungry and in the second I do like full-fat dairy, wine and moderation. I've gone Primal and I use this site to count carbs not calories. I also walk a couple of miles a day. Inevitably, I find myself going over the recommended calorie intake but, without sacrificing nutritious fruit and vegetables, way, way under the number of suggested carbohydrates. Net result? Steady decreasing weight loss of 5lb since 11 September. It sounds like your trainer is well-intentioned but also being unnecessarily restrictive. Go educate yourself and believe nothing that anyone else tells you (including me) until you've tested it out fully for yourself. Good luck.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Please, please please, use the search function on here and READ! Learn for yourself. There is a wealth of good information on here. Look for posters who take a sensible approach and have had SUCCESS! Oh, and in the meantime, dump that idiot PT.