Celticladydar Member


  • You can lose weight without exercise but you won't like it. Which do you hate more, exercise or starving?
  • You might find cutting back on coffee to 1-2 cups and replacing that with regular water will help. If you're retaining fluids you might watch what foods you might be eating that are higher in sodium. I find when I'm retaining fluids I'll notice my feet swelling or ankles look puffy. If you're physically active, drinking…
  • That's a hard one to answer. Each person is different in how open they are. Women are particularly sensitive as we are more often than not judged by our appearance, whether it be our weight, height, hair, body type, clothing, what ever. I would say unsolicited encouragement can be dicey. It can come off like you're hitting…
  • I have to admit the "food day" at work is a difficult one for me as well. Will power itself isn't always enough. I find reaching out to a friend who's also trying to cut back or on a diet can help. Having someone to talk to about your frustration can often eliminate the desire to eat the forbidden food. OR you can eat the…
  • Don't get yourself in a place where you give up. Pat yourself on the back because you're doing great! Your weight is going to fluctuate and you're going to have good and bad days. Brush it off and be kinder to yourself!