Offering unsolicited encouragement

***Please note - I AM NOT fishing for compliments, but genuinely looking for advice and opinion on this topic.

I was morbidly obese - 455 at my high point 10 years ago, 415 when I started this "effort" 3 years ago. You can see several pics of me back then on my profile.

Although I NEVER have seen another guy coming close to my (former) size at the gym or participating in 5K events, I do occasionally see females who are very large trying to get started in their own effort.

Would it be too forward, insulting, or however termed to approach those females and offer them encouragement by letting them know I was in the same "shape" they are currently in and I have been able to accomplish my goals? Not looking for a girlfriend, just that I've been where they currently are weight-wise and know it can be lonely and frustrating.


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I think I'd find it kind of creepy to have some guy come up to me at the gym.
  • Jessica_256
    I feel so awkward whenever people talk to me.. Especially if it's a man.
    BUT, if you see that women more than once I don't think a "I've seen you in here before, keep it up!" or other small encouraging words would be too scary.. Ha! It might make a conversation start and then I'd go into farther detail. Some people are shy and uncomfortable in those situations, so that'd be my approach personally..
  • Celticladydar
    Celticladydar Posts: 6 Member
    That's a hard one to answer. Each person is different in how open they are. Women are particularly sensitive as we are more often than not judged by our appearance, whether it be our weight, height, hair, body type, clothing, what ever. I would say unsolicited encouragement can be dicey. It can come off like you're hitting on them even if you're not.
    You might be better off just being friendly but not invasive, if someone is comfortable with you they'll often look to you for encouragement and you'll be able to offer it without giving the wrong impression. You are a great guy and you've been an inspiration to me by just watching your journey.