Kinda bummed...

I'm a little bummed.... Today was my weekly weigh in day and I stayed the same. So, I am still at a total of 12 pounds. I have been doing this for 40 days. So, I guess that's still good. I am pretty sure I know what I did wrong. I broke my "no eating after 8pm" rule a couple of times this week. I had a few peanut butter crackers (with my water though!) a couple of nights this week. So, I REALLY need to stick to my "the kitchen is closed at 8pm rule"! I also want to start going to the gym more often and burning more calories! I go now about 2-3 times a week and do the treadmill. I set it to the "Weight Loss" setting and do Level 2 for 40 minutes. If anyone has any ideas of how to burn more calories I would appreciate it! Just a little bummed this week... P.S. I have to keep telling myself that I didn't get this way in 40 days so, I have to be patient and stick to it no matter how long it takes! Also, having grandson's 2nd Birthday party here tomorrow. We are only having something small with a cake, some chips and pretzels. I can only have 1 piece of cake! And maybe a few pretzels. No chips!


  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Don't get bummed!! I tell myself, I didn't put it on in a year, so it's gonna take a while to come off.

    I give myself a mental slap on the wrist when I go outside my 'boundaries', but I don't fret for long.

    12lbs is good!
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Eating after 8 pm is crap. Doesn't make a difference.

    Don't feel terribly bad .. I have been the same weight for about a month. Doesn't mean that we are not doing the right things, just our bodies feeling things out.

    Have a great Friday.

    Take care.
    - Kevin -
  • SchroederNJ
    SchroederNJ Posts: 208 Member
    Your diary is locked
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Weight loss isn't don't lose exactly X Lbs per week or's a trend over time that averages out to roughly X Lbs per week. Your actual weekly losses are going to be all over the place and yes, you will have weeks with nothing...and weeks where you might gain some due to some water retention, hormones, etc.
  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member
    12 pounds in 40 days is nothing to be bummed about- that's a lot faster than most people lose weight! As you'll probably hear from others too, weight loss is not linear- some weeks you may lose, some you may gain, and some you may stay the same. As long as your total trend is going down, you're heading the right direction!

    Don't get discouraged, you're doing good things. Remember, weight loss is all about calories in and calories out- the timing of those calories doesn't matter too much. If having a reasonable snack within your calorie limits at night makes you feel better, then that shouldn't be a problem!

    It may also help to be really careful about how and when you weigh yourself- I find that it's best to weigh myself once a week, first thing in the morning (after going to the bathroom) before my shower. I don't always weigh myself on the same day of the week though- I try to weigh myself the day after a rest day (not after exercising the day before, because I retain water), and after a day where my water/salt intake levels were pretty balanced. Too much salt or too little water can cause water retention, which will affect the scale.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Weigh ins suck. If I weighed myself every week it would just be a waste of time. I stall all the time for a couple weeks. It's totally normal.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    why can't you eat past 8pm? Does your body close at that time?
  • 86muffintop
    86muffintop Posts: 69 Member
    Weight loss isn't don't lose exactly X Lbs per week or's a trend over time that averages out to roughly X Lbs per week. Your actual weekly losses are going to be all over the place and yes, you will have weeks with nothing...and weeks where you might gain some due to some water retention, hormones, etc.

    I agree! What has helped me (with nearly 50lbs to lose) is weighing daily in the a.m- just for now, I plan to weigh weekly once I get near my goal. I know a lot of people disagree with that, but it is honestly what has been working for me- the fluctuations do not discourage me...they actually keep me in check! Try the LIBRA app- you enter your daily weight and it will provide you with your average weekly weight loss.

    Edited because I can't spell- lol.
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    At least you are not gaining weight! Give yourself credit for that.

    For many years, my scale just went up. I finally decided that, if nothing else, I would stop that trend. When I was able to gain enough knowledge and control to maintain, I started working on losing.

    Drink some water and get back on the track you know works for YOU. If closing the kitchen at 8 is what keeps you from going overboard, then do it.

    This may just be a glitch on the way to a drop. In a day or so when a couple of pounds disappear, come back and tell us.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Losing 12 pounds in 40 days is AMAZING. I don't think I ever did that even at my fastest rate when I had the most to lose. GIve yourself credit for how far you've come!
  • ticiaelizabeth
    ticiaelizabeth Posts: 139 Member
    To the ones critisizing your "don't eat after 8 rule" I too follow this, and no its not becasue I am dumb and honestly believe that my body functions turn off after a certain time, simply because I have a harder time controlling my eating later in the evening. I an ususally watching a movie, end up grazing, eat more junk food than normal resulting in a calories surplus which hinders my weight loss. Hence the no eating after 8 rule, why is that so hard to digest?

    And to the OP: you are doing GREAT, that still works out to >2 pounds lost per week. You may need to adjust your expectations because this seems like great progress to me, you should feel proud!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    To the ones critisizing your "don't eat after 8 rule" I too follow this, and no its not becasue I am dumb and honestly believe that my body functions turn off after a certain time, simply because I have a harder time controlling my eating later in the evening. I an ususally watching a movie, end up grazing, eat more junk food than normal resulting in a calories surplus which hinders my weight loss. Hence the no eating after 8 rule, why is that so hard to digest?

    And to the OP: you are doing GREAT, that still works out to >2 pounds lost per week. You may need to adjust your expectations because this seems like great progress to me, you should feel proud!!

    The OP did not specify the reason, thus the question was asked.

    Why not save a few hundred calories for evening grazing then...?
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    why can't you eat past 8pm? Does your body close at that time?

    Some people don't like to go to bed on a full stomach.
  • CharbyOttawa
    CharbyOttawa Posts: 49 Member
    I have weight loss plateaus as well. I just got over one by changing my exercise routine. Try including other forms of exercise instead of just treadmill walking. Maybe swimming, weight lifting, or even jogging on the treadmill might kick-start your weight loss again.

    My body got used to cycling, so when I switched to elliptical, jogging or weight lifting on non-cycling days, the weight started slowly coming off again.
  • Celticladydar
    Celticladydar Posts: 6 Member
    Don't get yourself in a place where you give up. Pat yourself on the back because you're doing great!
    Your weight is going to fluctuate and you're going to have good and bad days. Brush it off and be kinder to yourself!