

  • red, green, or yellow bell peppers!
  • Since I don't plan on being a supermodel or a personal trainer at any point in my life, I'm still going to enjoy a glass of wine or a margarita here and there. You're doing an AWESOME job on your goals. Alcohol isn't "bad" for you - just look at the French! It's about portion control and maintaining an active lifestyle. As…
  • Hey Wzimmerman! You should have been given a recipe card with your Shaeology order. Here is the web-site with them listed: http://www.shakenutrition.com/shakeology-recipes/ As for the headaches, are you drinking plenty of water? If not, try to increase your water intake. This may help! :)
  • Khloe's Mom, Insanity is the next step up in the P90X workout series. The P90X in itself is an incredibly intense workout routine. That being said, it WORKS. I have a very good friend who holds a P90X class (he plays the cardio DVD's 3 times a week so that we can do them together) - just doing that, without the diet or…