

  • pick me, pick me hahaha. I'm starting again tomorrow and I'm willing to wale this walk with you
  • I'm new to the message board world, please add me if you like so I can figure it out. Brissie. :smile:
  • Hahahaha, I'm not laughing AT you, but at your wonderful writing style. You're really funny!!! Getting old sucks! I'm 53 and have also noticed the butt disappearing. Hmff. Will have to do more weight training back there, hopefully some muscle will keep it from shrinking away more. I'll be watching this space to see what…
  • Congratulations on the upcoming wedding - Just get that over first, look stunning, and worry about the toning in July. My 2 cents opinion :wink: I'm 53 this month, 2 adults kids - my boy recently engaged, and my girl also talking wedding bells. I'd love to walk this journey with you. PS I'm in Australia
  • I work rotating shifts and can SO relate. It's really hard to get into any kind of routine, and the night shifts are the worst. As you say, there's so much junk and sweet stuff to nibble on. And then - as you say, the insomnia - it makes me want comfort food. The whole business of messed up sleep patterns is just perfect…
  • I'm also 53 and I'm so exasperated at myself. I'd lost weight, but have put on 5kg again. So today is my day 1 again.
  • Hi, I just joined on day 5. Are these squats with no weights?