

  • Crisps, crisps, crisps! I would probably have 3-4 big bags of salt and vinegar crisps a week. Every Sunday without fail I would go to the shop and buy crisps, chocolate and coke for me and my brother. I had no concept of only eating when hungry or feeling full so I would eat 3 meals on top of that. If I had been out for…
  • 190g is a lot to eat without knowing about it. My brother eats his cereal from a big pudding bowl. I weighed one of his normal servings and it was about 80g and it was full to the brim and difficult to get milk in. Could someone have eaten some of the sheddies without you realising? Or did you open them?
  • I've been looking into sugar consumption a lot recently and watched this documentary which is really interesting and makes a lot of sense. It seems all calories are not created equal :) http://theorytopractice.wordpress.com/2009/08/05/sugar-the-bitter-truth/ I have been trying to reduce every type of sugar in my diet…
  • that's good to know, I've always worried about that. thanks
  • well I've just finished my zumba and burnt 300cals so I've got 556cals left to play with so i wont feel any guilt what so ever! :)
  • Thanks guys that's made me feel a lot better about it :) I'm usually quite good at eating whatever I want within my calories but when it comes to the treats I feel a bit naughty indulging. But i'll enjoy the chocolate guilt free now :)
  • What I hate is... Oh you're doing so well do you want one of these? (producing a pack of brownies!) When I say no I get 'just have one, it won't hurt. Go on!' To me it would hurt because I'm trying to lead a healthier lifestyle and lose weight and people trying to give me sweets and treats after I've said no is quite…
  • Good job! A 3 minute plank? Impressive. I can manage about 40secs before I collapse in a heap! Keep up the good work
  • AMAZING! A massive well done :)
  • First is around my waist, my hands and feet too (shoes that were hard to get on are now slipping off) Last is my belly and thighs. Wish it was the other way round but thinking about it I might end up looking like I had giant clown feet and monster hands :)