Old eating habits - confessional



  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm surprised there hasn't been more beer talk!

    Alcohol was my killer because I'd get cider munchies and think "hmm... cooking? Naaah, lets get a take away" - probably over 1000 in alcohol alone and then pizzas, kebabs, chips etc. on top of that. Like all of you folk, I'm surprised I didn't weigh half a ton too!
  • kaylemartin
    kaylemartin Posts: 235 Member
    I'm not alone then!
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    A whole pizza hut cheesy bites meat feast! We used to get a pizza delivered every couple of weeks. I had one the other week on a bad day. My body felt poisoned, never again! One or two slices is sufficient as a very very occasional treat!

    I could go through loads of crisps (chips). When I was pregnant I remember eating two family sized bags of salt and vinegar kettle chips in one sitting.

    When I was a teen I used to eat super noodle sandwiches, bacon flavour inbetween 2 bits of thick white bread with spread. Sometimes I would put cheese in it and toast it. I used to eat that practically everyday. It still sounds nice but theres no way I'd eat it now!
  • lealea25
    lealea25 Posts: 12
    Crisps, crisps, crisps!
    I would probably have 3-4 big bags of salt and vinegar crisps a week. Every Sunday without fail I would go to the shop and buy crisps, chocolate and coke for me and my brother. I had no concept of only eating when hungry or feeling full so I would eat 3 meals on top of that.
    If I had been out for dinner and I came home to find my mum had left a plate for me in the fridge I would eat that too.
    A big NSV for me has been to not raid the fridge when I get in late at night. I could have easily eaten 500 calories more by taking up cookies and yogurts and odd bits from the fridge.
    I'm so glad Im now in control of it. I had a blow out a few weeks ago and was so full I could hardly breath....I used to be like that all the time. Never again! Yuck!
  • uhoh_billy
    uhoh_billy Posts: 94
    Anything deep fried, especially chicken fingers! Or creamy pasta, or chocolate. Pop! Popcorn (I go to the movies at least once a week!) Basically anything that's awful for me! It's hard to give up years of habit, so I sneak them in when I can fit it into my calories for the day, but it was awful!

    Pizza Hut and McDonalds are my main downfall these days! Those cheesy breadsticks or a double cheeseburger! Mmm! Now I'm hungry ;) lol
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