

  • Thanks, everyone!! I know I can do this.. I just don't want to start feeling discouraged... I'm only on day 2, so I'm ok still - just don't mind me if I'm asking for a bunch of tips and tricks! LOL
  • For me, I've started thinking of my husband (who's away training in the Military) ... he does his PT every day, why shouldn't I do mine, right? Granted, this doesn't work all the time, but it helps to remember how cute and sexy I want to feel. Also (and I think my hubby may have learned this in basic training, LOL) "You…
    in Advice Comment by jasay79 March 2011
  • I think you should get the one I showed you earlier :) I love my Polar! And w/o it, I would have no idea how many calories I burn w/ each work out. There are guesses online, but everyone burns differently, depending on current weight, etc... So, I think it's essential..
  • Hi! I'm new to this.. starting tomorrow. LOL .. but I'm happy to help support/motivate in any way I can!