
Stephiegirl324 Posts: 20
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay so I would like to know how everyone gets off their butt's to exercise??? I mean like what gets you going? I have a hard time just getting up and working out. What is everyone's secret?? I need some advice get me going and to help me stay moving!!!


  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    No secret here. I just KNOW it needs to be done and I'll feel better once I do it so I just do it. Granted some days are easier then others. I also try to workout as early in the day as possible so it's done with and I don't have to worry about it anymore
  • dancinblonde0099
    dancinblonde0099 Posts: 118 Member
    I have problems getting off my butt forsure! I work and go to school so by the time i have free time I just want to be lazy. I try to set certain days of the week to exercise. I get home from work and go straight to exercising. It works for the most part! Good luck, I know it has to be harder with a little one.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    No secret here. I just KNOW it needs to be done and I'll feel better once I do it so I just do it. Granted some days are easier then others. I also try to workout as early in the day as possible so it's done with and I don't have to worry about it anymore
    same here...actually after working out, my day goes by alot faster and i have alot more energy. when i dont go to the gym, i really do feel kind of sluggish and some what lazy through out the whole day.
  • I think about all the cute clothes that I have to pass up because I can't fit into them. That helps.
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    It's become part of my's the first thing I do when I wake up. I feel like if I don't do that, then my day is thrown off. It also means I don't have to worry about it later in the day, when I'm exhausted after a long day of work. :)
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    I set out my workout clothes. Get my DVDs ready. Put my equipment in plain sight. Usually all the night before so no time for excuses the next day! Also, I have a time frame for my workouts and so far it has worked well.

    I don't beat myself up when I don't work out. I just start over the next day and get in some exercise. It's a process and in time, working out will be easier. As they say, the more you do it the easier/better it becomes!

    Logging into MFP everyday helps me stay motivated for sure. Without it, I don't think I would be as active as I have been. Seeing everyone else burn those calories lets me know I can (and should) do it too!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member

    You want my honest answer?

    You're not going to like it.

    It's probably not the best motivation in the world.


    I exercise so I can eat more. :blushing: It's true! That's what got me into the habit of exercising daily. Earning a little extra snack after dinner, or a wine cooler in the evening, or whatever. Now I don't think of it that way anymore, but that's how I first got into the habit. Now I do it because it makes me feel so much better, and I don't want to skip that feeling just because I'm being lazy.
  • Pandabug93
    Pandabug93 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm slow to get exercising but when I do, I almost don't want to stop. Maybe a tip you could try out to actually get you to go would be having a friend come over and bug the living sanity out of you until you start moving. You could also reward yourself, by working out you can watch a movie or something after, but don't cave in and let yourself do anything fun/relaxing until your workout gets done. Also, try posting motivational phrases on your mirror in the bathroom or something, so that why every time you look in the mirror you remind yourself what you are working towards.

    Hope this was helpful.
  • jasay79
    jasay79 Posts: 5
    For me, I've started thinking of my husband (who's away training in the Military) ... he does his PT every day, why shouldn't I do mine, right? Granted, this doesn't work all the time, but it helps to remember how cute and sexy I want to feel.

    Also (and I think my hubby may have learned this in basic training, LOL) "You always have time for the first thing you do every day" .... so, I try to work out before I do anything else (well, after my daughter is on the bus and my son is fed) .. otherwise, I run out of time, or I'm too tired and lazy.

    And, I find that on the days I work out, I'm so much more productive. Working out first thing in the am = sweating = showering before noon = getting more done around the house, running errands, etc.. just b/c I'm not feeling lazy in my pj's = I feel much better about myself = I eat healthier! I tend to get trapped in ugly, vicious cycles.. I'm hoping to change that to be in a good, healthy cycle.

    Good luck!!
  • nanc94
    nanc94 Posts: 141 Member
    I Agree.....Just got to do it and drag yourself into the gym! You might not want to at first but once you get started you'll get into that workout mode! Having upbeat music to workout to keeps me going. Also getting it out of the way early in the morning helps, granted for me it means being at the gym @ 430am .....its tough especially on cold mornings when i just wanna stay curled up in a warm bed, but it will give you energy for the day.

    If mornings dont work for you....going straight after work....cuz once you get home you get into that lazy mode or get caught up with household stuff . And going late at night will either help you sleep or keep you wired and up most of the nite.

    If you still need motivation....try the buddy system, but you got to make sure you go w/someone that wont flake and not easily persuaded to skip days. Join group classes for those sluggish days when you feel you dont have the energy to work out on your own. Last resort would be getting a personal trainer for at least 2-3 wks to get you started ...if you can consistently go for 3wk it will become a habit for you....
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