

  • Awesome. I get very sick from the fake stuff. sounds like I could have this.
  • does it use any of the fake sugars? Sound good.
  • have you checked the carton? I'm thinking I've seen some there when I've bought a six pack. Wine annoys me the same way, as I have no idea as to how many calories are in it. Have you thought about the style of beer your drinking and tried to use the closest major brand calorie count?
  • I've swapped out some of the white flour for oat or whole wheat flour before, they are okay but can take some getting use to. With the oat I used about 1/2 oat flour and 1/2 white flour and have tried using all whole wheat flour and same 50/50 mix with whole wheat and white flour.
  • I like the nalgene bottles, pba free, they come in 32 oz size and they can take a lot of abuse. I've tried the metal bottles and just don't like them. Not a fan of the bite top, they can be a pain to clean.
  • I'd go with the hrm. I tend to use lower numbers for exercise and higher numbers for food intake. The machines at the gym I use let you put your weight in, I tend to drop my weight down by 10 to 15 lbs that I put in the machine.
  • I jump on the scale most mornings. I'm also using the wii fit plus, and do the body test daily. I find it helps keep me accountable. I'm not addicted, just find it keeps me on track.
  • I've had something similar happen, but I think its due to changes in clothing sizes. A couple of years ago I got down to 163 and tried to get into some old jeans, but like you I needed to lose even more to fit into them, they were a size 14, the same size I currently wear. I currently weight 183 and my present day size 14…
  • I've been wondering about that as well. 6 days a week I "earn" an extra 900 or more calories, and depending on the day I will use an extra 400. I try to keep my calories a bit high than 1200 most days, I aim for 1400 to 1600.
  • In the past I've tended to do the same thing. This time around, I am taking things one day at a time, so if I have a bad day, I just start fresh the next day and try not to make the same bad choices. I also plan when I am going to have some that is "bad" and limit myself to a pre-determined amount. It may sound silly, but…
  • Kellogs fiber plus has two different cereals, one like cherrios, which I've tried pretty good tasting and no fake sugars. I can't have that stuff and recently bought a generic to try and had to toss it out when I realized it had the fake stuff in it.