darina24gordonfan24 Member


  • Happy Birthday! That is awesome! I am down to about 4 months and making each day count. woo hoo for making things happen :)
  • Something I decided to do was to reward myself each mile that I walk. So when I walk a mile $1 goes right into my little jar. I already have $60 so far this year and am excited to see how many I can get. Once i hit my goal weight I plan on going out and spending it on things to fit my new and improved body. I of course…
  • I was just in So Cal last week.. we took my boys (6 and 2) to Disneyland and Seaworld. As you can imagine I gained weight on my vacation (6 lbs) but in just the 2 days since coming back I've already lost 1.5 of that.. so it will come off quickly i'm assuming :). I have really tried to get out and walk daily, because living…
  • i love this and think it's an amazing idea! I spent my 20's working for a major computer corp and a year ago they decided to ship our jobs to Panama.. (major bummer, or so i thought at first). With the news of my awesome paying job leaving me, my husband and I decided to move with his job so that he could be promoted…
  • That is awesome! Excited to be on this journey with you.. WE CAN DO THIS!
  • Thanks.. it's been hard not living by each other the past 5 years.. so it gave us the motivation we needed to feel like we are doing this together. I"m excited.. today i should break out of the 500's and into the 400's on miles to go :) woo hop
  • Hey everybody! I"m super excited about finding a group of people in my same situation.. being newer to the town i live in, with no close friends or family around.. I really could use the help of new online friends to keep me motivated. Starting Weight 210 lb Current Weight 200 Goal Weight 164 Birthday July 5th Height 5'8 I…
  • My best friend and I set a year goal to each walk 514 miles (half way from where we are each located) So I am totally down to try this :) I have walked 10 miles already this month... and hopefully can keep on track :). I live in Utah, so it is getting ready to snow in the next few days.. so I will get my walking in where I…