fitandworking Member


  • Started out 294 pounds at 5'7''. That was over 2 1/2 years ago. I wasn't perfect with diet and exercise at first and wasn't on MFP. I just worked on getting better with my food addiction. That helped me lose 50 pounds in 2 years. Today I'm 198. I still have about 50 pounds to go I would say. I may not be the best example…
  • Hello and welcome to MFP! 1. I started on MFP in October 2013, even though I had already lost about 50 pounds before that point. 2. With weight loss in general, the first few months I started from being my at my heaviest were very tough. I was dealing with the emotional eating and food addiction more than diet/exercise, so…
  • First off, congrats on your pending graduation! I graduated last May and was trying to lose weight towards the end of my schooling but since I had a ton of weight to lose I still looked huge in my graduation pics lol. Anyway what helped me was actually eating a full meal before studying. It helps not eating needlessly.…
  • I get it but in regards to you first issue of other people watching you work out, honestly they most often will be impressed by your efforts. I go to the gym and even after losing a good amount of weight, I'm far from fit or anywhere close to most of the girls going there. However I have had people there that I have never…
  • Glad to see others talked about the "eating clean" thing. Of course it is good to eat well but at the same time I think people stress over it so much that it backfires. I started off being very overweight and even after losing 86 pounds I'm "obese" just on the lower end finally but focusing on the calories for me was…
  • I can relate. I'm 5'7',my highest was 294, lowest was 183 and I'm almost 25 so some similarities:) I haven't had kids but I lost 50 pounds over 2 years almost a year ago but then I stalled there for a while. This is before I started MFP. I just was tired of the crazy weight fluctuations I had since high school. I can't…
  • Everyone has a "type" but I'm sure your husband is in love with more than just your booty lol. Also we all have different versions of what "skinny" is. I don't think of someone like Jennifer Aniston to be skinny as much as fit for example. However other people acted like I was "skinny" when I was down in the 180's haha. In…
  • There are outliers in everything. Some obese people may be healthy at least for the time being and some people at a "healthy" weight are not healthy due to genes or bad health habits. However it is generally better to not be obese than to be obese. If anyone says otherwise they are fooling themselves. Just because someone…
  • The important thing is to never give up. We all mess up because of life or whatever but we all have to get up and try again. It's okay, you are back and everyday is a new opportunity as lame as that may sound. Good luck on starting over!
  • Lol this is great and I didn't even think about my DL until now. Mine is from 3 years ago when I turned 21 and near my highest weight(about 275, highest 294) and I said I was 220 lol. I now actually weigh 223 so only 3 pounds away. I'll be turning 25 in June and will have to renew my DL. I hope to be more honest next time…
  • Hmm, all I clicked on was the button that recalibrates so I wouldn't think that would be it. It looks like all the info is the same. Oh well, I guess I will just stick to 1400 calories for now. Thanks everyone for your help!
  • Also 24 and have lost 71 pounds from my heaviest over a couple of years (49 pounds of that was pre MFP) and have 73 left before goal weight. Good luck on your goals and I'll add you!
  • Wow you look gorgeous!! 80 pounds is a lot of weight to lose and it really shows. Congratulations!
  • I have a Panache sports bra and it has been the best investment in regards to bras. However I need to buy another one since it's getting loose. I'm wearing a 40H now but probably now need a 38H or hopefully G lol so if that bra can support mine, I'm impressed! I will probably be sticking with Panache.
  • I'm not sure if I will get down to goal weight(even though it's possible) but I do want to continue the path I have been taking as of the past couple of months. I want to at least get to be the smallest I've ever been as an adult. I'm 42 pounds away from that point. That would also put me in the overweight category as…
  • I would think there has to be such a thing as big boned. Big boned and fat are not the same thing. I am fat but not big boned, in fact I have never seen my bones lol. I think for example plus sized models generally are more big boned. They often times are still too small to actually wear the clothes they help sell, but are…
  • Hello, I'm somewhat new to MFP but have no friends on here. At first I just thought I would use this as calorie counting and I like seeing the ticker go down lol. However it would be great to make some friends on here and getting helpful tips and advise are always great. My weight has been a roller coaster over the years.…