HI , Can I say I am not sure cutting out grains from your diet is a good idea. It's important to have a balance diet. I don't know what your current diet looks like, but have you thought about adding more veggies and that order? I can see that you have lost 58 lbs that is amazing in itself. Keeping up with your…
I'm new to the messaging board...and would like to join...i wieghted myself Sept 8 at i was at 199....weighted today i'm at 196...any weight loss is great. Just starting to get more active and be more thoughtful of what i'm eating. However Iwill be going to Cancun from OCt 8- 16th...but i have a plan of action to try to…
thanks for posting this...i think i will give it a try. I'm heading to Cancun in 2 weeks and I would like to feel good in my bikini...losing a couple extra pounds cant hurt...
I just wanted to say thank you