alburt Member


  • So I look at your before pics and think, "Wow! What a good looking guy!" Then I see your after pics and think, "Holy Shiz!!" As I wipe up the drool! ;) Looking good for sure!
  • Haha, just thought I'd give you an update on what I learned yesterday...16 Tbsp is equal to 1 cup. And yes, I Googled it. Haha, have a great day ;)
  • Love this!! May have to copy and paste. ;) Have an awesome day!
  • Haha, I work the grave shift, so technically this is my morning. (It's 2:30 in the afternoon here.) ;) Anyway, I love this challenge! I try to learn something new every day. And for the most part, I do. Usually something very random that may come up in conversation. My best friend teases me constantly because I'm always…
  • I feel your pain. I'm 5'4", and my best bud, and running partner is 5'9" tall. We have this conversation all the time. While she's walking to my running pace, I have to remind her that for every one stride she takes, I've taken two. Is it frustrating at times? Of course. But what I've found is that she will tone down her…
  • Thank you for the motivational post!! Happy Thursday to you too!!! :smile:
  • Yes!!! I ate Pepperidge Farms Milano Melts dipped in Milk Chocolate frosting for dessert last night and wanted to vomit! It was de-lish, but not at all worth it. Sad day :(
  • Hi there! While I didn't start out at 280, I wasn't far off. I've only lost 16 pounds so far (since January), but already I feel better, have more energy, and need to buy smaller clothes. I would love to say that it's been easy, but I'd be lying. My advise is to stay strong and surround yourself with a support group. Tell…
    in 280+ group Comment by alburt May 2011