poo42 Member


  • Good luck and stay focused!! I used to be like you when I was your age, but a combination of exercise (remember to build some muscles together with cardio) and a low carb diet will work wonders for you.
  • Just checking in... I've lost 12 pounds in 2 months. Although it doesn't seem alot but I feel good! Now I'm moving into maintenance mode, so I get to enjoy lots more greens and nuts and fruit :)
  • I've been on atkins for a month and I've lost about 7 pounds. I would love to have support on this program too. I stay in Singapore and it's really difficult to find atkins friendly food most of the time :( As a result, I eat boiled eggs and fish most of the time! I'm planning on moving to the next phase of atkins soon…
  • I use fitbit too.. but I'm averaging on 8-9000 steps a day... Feel free to add me too! I can use all the encouragement I can get :) https://www.fitbit.com/user/2Q52DW
  • I am 42 this birthday and I need encouragement too... Really... After 40 it really feels that everything I eat gets transferred to my fats directly :(
  • HI! Are you still using the app to help you on your weight loss?