

  • YAY! Like the water one! I always think this as I tend to drink more tea at work or a diet coke at lunch time. My first post on here someone said I must be hungry still because I didn't drink enough water. I'd had loads of other liquids though so i wasn't dehydrated!
  • I make sure that I do a nice long walk and try and get in some cardio (it helps that my bf is an exercise freak and loves being active!) so an exercise buddy would help. I also try to save exercise calories that i don't use during the week so I know that I can be a bit naughty at weekends. I stick to eating around 1200…
  • I actually lost weight when I was on the pill (around 20lbs) and since coming off it I've put it all back on. As with anything, its all to do with what you're eating. The pill can make you think you're hungry when you're not so just remind yourself of that (for this reason I took it before bed so I would be asleep by the…
  • Thanks everyone :) I'm not a huge addict - only a couple of times a week so I don't think I'll be changing my habits. Also I need to cut back on alcohol at weekends and the thought of only drinking water in a pub is beyond depressing. I have to at least have a diet coke!
  • Good! For me they can really help with my sweet craving and I know I'm not having any more calories by drinking them...
  • My dad is the worst! Since moving back home from uni (where at my thinest I weighed 170lbs) I have put on 40lbs in the past 3 years. There is always "bad" food in the house and without me even asking for chocolate it is literally thrown at me. I am now determined to loose the weight again (plus extra!) but staying at home…
  • I have it set to loosing 2lbs a week so 1200 calories. First few days were fine when I was exercising and I'd finish the day with about 250 calories left over. But tonights the first "hungry" night. Think I may just have tea as then I can go to sleep and have breakfast tomorrow :D I think drinking water is something I…
  • Thanks! turns out it was the tiniest lamb chop I've ever seen so just grilled it and had some aubergine, corgette and red pepper cous cous with it. Was yum and still have leftover calories so guilt free!
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