

  • Sometimes our bodies get smaller before the scales catch up. That's why it's always better to go by measurements and how your body feels in your outfits. Even though people say muscle weighs more than fat, no one would gain 5 pounds of muscle in just several weeks so I don't really think that's the case here. But if you're…
  • When I'm maintaining I just go with whatever my body is telling me to do. If I want a hamburger and fries, I'll eat it. If I want a brownie, I'll eat it. In the long run, it's better to do that than deprive myself for days or weeks and then having a two-day binge. At least if I spread it out, my craving and yearning is…
  • Thank you for the response! I keep saying "healthy lifestyle" because that's what I've always lived, my whole life, so I do know what it means. I was never overweight up until this year. So when I say "healthy lifestyle" I mean my lifestyle before I gained all this weight, when I didn't have a fear of having what ever I…
  • Thank you so much for your response! I appreciate it a lot and you made great points. My thing is, this is all new to me. I never ever felt guilty about "cheat" meals or foods that were over my caloric limit. I just ate what I needed/wanted to, and moved on. It wasn't until I gained these 45 pounds (I've never been this…
  • I have another 15 pounds to go for my goal weight, but I would really like to lose another 5 on top of that so I can have a little "wiggle" room JUST IN CASE, LOL.. so my goal is to be down 20 pounds by Christmas Day!
  • You all are awesome, thank you sooooooooo much for taking the time to respond. I feel *SO* much better and each of you had such awesome/insightful things to say.
  • Thank you all so much for the responses! I really appreciate it... and reading each of them really put things into perspective. Bethany I really like your "get out of the cheat mentality" tip... this is true! I mean, obviously I'm not going to NOT have pizza EVER again in my life, LOL! Thank you... Thank you, all!!