It may not actually be the height thats causing the knee pain, the fore/aft position of the cleat can remedy knee pain. You may actually be pedalling more with your toes when wearing flat shoes. If are pretty sure its the height, you could try getting clip on platforms that will clip into your pedals to give you a bit of…
You can even convert current vector 3's
i have garmin pedals as well so stats coming out of my ears. I did still look, relatively flat ride today 108 mins moving 166 rear shifts, nil front. Yesterday a few hills 102 mins moving, 6 front shifts and 197 rear shifts. Just for good measure i threw a 5hr ride in with some big hills, 17 front shifts and 809 rear…
Here is a good article about adjusting seat height.
Being told that you are in the top 5% or 10% in your age group is a great boost to the ego, however everyone i ride with is in that category so when you are barely hanging on to the group everything is brought into perspective :D
I find that garmin tracks pretty close to Golden cheetah, if i go and do some vo2max interval sessions it will bump it up to 50 for me. I turn 60 later this year so it will be interesting if it bumps me up a grade at 48, currently 50 is the next level for me.
Happy new year folks, time zones being what they are, watched the fireworks and already been out for my first ride of the year.
Been on a climbing binge. 15h30, 357km with 5681metres of elevation for September so far.
Woohoo, last day of winter. 37h31, 891Km with 12,385m of elevation for August.
Ive only ever clipped stacked when stationary, both times i leaned over to the same side as the clipped in foot and just went past the tipping point, not much damage done by highly embarassing.
Say you link your garmin to strava and then link both your strava and gramin accounts to mfp you will end up two entries. I did that when if first got my garmin.
It is weird we call them clipless shoes when we clip in, though toe clips still exist. Perhaps we should call them cleated shoes and click in. They are always daunting when you start, just be ready well in advance. Expect a fall at some point. Once you get used to them you can get out in a flash.
Did a 120Km ride today, the longest in a couple of months, cold and windy but not long to go before it warms up. 14h21', 335Km and 5006m of elevation for August so far.
July was great winter weather except for the last week when the rain came, 27hrs, 652km and 7782 elevation for the month.
Not quite sure what you are trying to do, you can set all your rides to be private then nobody would be able to see any of your rides at all or you can selectively make entire rides private.
You can define multiple zones, also does not have to be just your home it can be anywhere.
Another option is the older style toe clips, i ride in the inner city and see quite a lot of commuters use this, keeps your foot in position but you are not fastened in.
Which one did you get? I have a stages, it has been a great tool. I have the same experince as you with off the beat online shops, fortunately mine refunded. 20:35 hrs, 510 km and 6000 metres of elevation for July so far.
Life is conspiring against riding time! 11hrs32m, 284 Km and 3258m of elevation. Hope to get more riding for the second half of July.
Just ride, any ride is better than none.
I agree with NorthCascades re bb, measure saddle height, drop a plumb from the front of the seat and measure distance behind bb, measure distance from front of seat to middle of handlebar, measure the saddle to bar drop, measure seat angle. Replicate this on the other other bike. edit:…
27 hrs, 602Km and 10,134m elevation for June. Beautiful sunny winter weather to finish it off.
Bit behind this month, rain and then a cold when the weather cleared, should be back on the bike tomorrow. 22.5 hrs,513kms and 8191m of elevation so far for June.
Hope it gets better for you, ive had back issues in the past and it can be quite unpleasant. Rained last weekend so missed a couple of rides then, predicted rain again for next weekend. 17hrs, 395Km and 6400m elevation for June so far.
A lot of climbing for me so far this month. 10 hrs, 236Km and 4100m elevation.
Time on the bike has a common unit, my centuries are just a lot easier than imperial ones :smiley:
Kicked of june with 4hrs 87km and 1900m of elevation including this one with a 29% ramp.
Has been great weather for riding lately, 15°c mornings with no rain and light winds. 26 hrs, 652Km and 7700m of elevation for May so far.
last weekend was the first time since I got back on the bike 18 months ago i had to drive to ride, arrived fully kitted up, except for shoes, gloves and helmet. I do wear a bib, I had to get fuel on the way back too. Very few riders arrived without their bibs on.
I sweat loads, bought things like the gutr sweatband. Now i just wear a lightweight cycling cap under the helmet and never have a problem.