

  • There are a lot of great workout videos out there and it all depends on what you want as far as intensity goes. JNL Fusion is a good one and you can get great results in 30 minutes a day. http://yourfitnessfactor.com/
  • I don't like to do anything that's gonna wear me out. I should feel energized after doing a workout, not worn out. Jennifer Lee has a great set of 12 DVDs of 30 minutes workouts that uses a technique where she does 30 seconds of cardio and 30 seconds or strength training. pretty efficient and fun, which is the key.…
  • I think calories burned is really hard to measure because it depends on your own intensity when doing any exercise. Someone can sit on an exercise bike and be reading a magazine hardly breaking a sweat and another could be going all out pedaling away dripping and getting a great workout and of course burning more calories.…
  • What I like about the JNL Fusion is that it's only 30 minutes or less for a great workout and it covers all the bases including the stretching and the speed and agility. Some of these other programs are so intense that you feel wornout at the end. That's no fun. http://yourfitnessfactor.com/
  • Jennifer Nicole Lee has a great program called JNL Fusion. She's got like 12 DVDs covering all parts of the body plus like a speed and agility one and one for stretching. You can do all of this in 30 minutes a day without wearing yourself out, which I like. But still get the results you want. She does which she calls…
  • The reason most folks gain all the weight back has a lot to do with motivation and the "whys" that a person has for losing weight. One can go through all kinds of dieting and such but without a lifestyle change and without changing the way you think and how you communicate with yourself the weight will come back on. It's…
  • Staying motivated to exercise is one of the more challenging things in life when we have so many things pulling at us. Not easy to workout at home because of all the things in the house telling us that they are the priority: fix me, run this errand, pick me up, blah blah blah. But motivated we must be if we want to receive…
  • Jennifer Nicole Lee has a great program called JNL Fusion. She lost 80 pounds using her fitness routine. I've found that this kind of workout that combines alternating muscle building with cardio has the best results for melting fat and getting really fit. Also, it keeps the workouts interesting and dynamic which is really…
  • As with anything when it comes to making a lifestyle change, being committed to it is really important. You gotta commit yourself and follow through. And following through is really the key to it all. You gotta have enough good reasons to want to be in great shape. If you focus on those and stay focused then it's easier to…
  • It think it's gotta be a combo of many things for weightloss. The important thing is you have to take your weightloss seriously, you have to take getting fit and staying fit seriously. You have to get really aware first of all of the consequences of not following through on your commitment to losing weight and getting…
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