

  • Agree with the above, weighing daily can be the worst thing to do. Weigh yourself weekly and in the morning. Don't beat yourself up aim at progress not perfection remembering somedays we can go back not forward but the more days we go forward the less the days we go back matter. Never give in never give up a healthy body =…
    in get lost! Comment by peebs82 March 2011
  • Those kinds of diets are generally pretty horrible and after about a week you want to kill yourself and everyone around you. I honestly believe the best way to lose weight is to eat little and often and exercise at least 5 times a week for 30 - 45 mins per session If you cut out carbs you will have no energy and feel…
  • Good luck, stay motivated, never give up or give in and remember tha rewards for persistance are fantastic :-)
  • Just remember that early morning work outs are far more effective than work outs at any other times of the day. I have that as a mind set so if I don't get up and get on with it I feel bad for the rest of the day regardless of whether I work out later or not.
  • Just use a weight that is comfortable for you initially starting with a heavy kettlebell may only result in injury. From my experience keeping your back straight is key to not getting any lower back or back troubles in general. Good Luck kettlebells really get that heart pounding if used correctly :-)
  • Start with a kettlebell you are comfortable with (weight) 1. Start in the squat position with your back straight and eyes looking forward and hold the kettlebell between your legs. Then rise up bringing the kettlebell up above your head always remembering to keep your arms locked straight all the way up. Then return to the…
    in Gym Tips Comment by peebs82 March 2011
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