I *love* BodyShred; its similar to her other videos (3 min strength, 2 min cardio, 1 min core, repeat), but its a step up. I recommend doing some of her other programs first -- Body Revolution or mix up the Killer series 6x a week before hitting Body Shred. Its a great yet hard program -- I still cannot do the…
Both are progressive, Ripped is broken up into 4 phases and you do each for a week. I far prefer RI30 over 30DS. I always go back to Level 3 of RI30; it's a killer.
Yep, i also doubled up. I really like her new one (Killer Body) because it rotates different muscle groups -- 3 workouts over 3 days, repeat, rest on Sunday, etc. I add cardio on top of that or another round of something that is the same focus as whichever one I am doing (either abs, upper body, or lower body). I also like…
So when i did it, i did it 6 days a week, Sundays off. Other people toss in a day off in the middle. I also didnt move up a level until I had nailed down the level I was on and only moved on when I felt like I needed the workout to be harder. Level 1 i spent a week on, level 2 was something like 8 days worth. Level 3 i did…
I would agree with some others here: Add in strength training. That shredded off weight so much faster for me. Your body is cozy where its at; time to switch it up from the walking I think, even if its bodyweight-only strength.
If only Amazon Prime: I would actually do JM Ripped in 30. You mentioned cardio but its more then that and its not boring in any way. Even if you can do 3 days a week, that is better then zero. If pure cardio is what you are looking for, JM 1 Wk Shred Workout 2 is pure cardio. But i would recommend adding in some weight…
the app 12 Minute Athlete is superb for this. I love it; highly recommend it.
I have a pair of New Balance Minimus; they have a wide toe box and for me they are perfect for HIIT and some minor cardio (i have a different pair of shoes solely for running...). Very light shoes, which i like for xtraining and moving in all directions. Just go try on a stack of shoes at a running store, and youll find…
Perfect proper L-sits always impress me because they look deceptively easy.
I work out pre-breakfast and HAVE to have something in me 20-30 minutes or so before doing HIIT. I make my own protein bars at home, snack on one with some water, wait, then workout. Its not a huge amount of food but its enough to fuel me and if i am not fueled my workouts suffer.
So i have pretty bad wrists (carpal on right, surgery on my left) and my trainer had me plank during the pushup portion of our session when i first couldnt do a pushup. I then bought some fantastic wrist gloves (Wrist Assured Gloves) and since I bought those i slowly have worked my way up from lower plank pushups (forearms…
I am a big barre fan. I like to balance it out with some HIIT and some running. Barre was incredible for my posture and flexibility. I saw my body change pretty quickly by going to barre 4-5 times a week when i first signed up for a month special. I had a membership to Dailey here in SF but after awhile i just transferred…
Its very successful, atleast for me (and i think its way better then 30 day shred). I personally saw results kick into gear in the the third week -- a particularly hard week and therefore my favorite. I believe the first time i went through RI30 i dropped about 8 pounds. The last two weeks i started doubling them up on…
I use a couple various HIIT apps to setup a good workout while on the track. Apps like Sworkit, 7M Workout, Spitfire, Nike Training etc. And just intersperse it with some cardio sprints or some bleacher stairs to balance the bodyweight training with the cardio bursts.
I log it as pilates. <3 BB.
Yea, i agree with the above: you're gonna be reduced to a puddle in like 20-25 minutes of you are doing HIIT, which is the great thing about it -- it doesn't take long. I recommend fitness blender as well as some apps, which i use when i go running/x-training outside. Sworkit (i love their create a custom workout...its…
So I haven't done Pure Barre per se, but I have done Bar Method and landed on Dailey Method -- which I love. I balance it out with running to get some cardio in, as well as the some weight training to round it all out. Barre was what got me back on my feet, exercise wise. It gave me some pretty great results very quickly,…
Running: Mizuno Wave Inspire (Previously used Adidas Boosts, which I loved for short runs; Brooks tweaked my shin splints.) HIIT: New Balance WX20v4
Oooh i know the pain! Three things helped me when i first started running: + Foam roller: spend some good quality time with a foam roller on the muscles before and after you run. It worked wonders for me. + Hydration: Drink more water then you think you should. + Warm up: I like to do calf raises on stairs as well as other…
Leg shake! Everyone shakes. If there is no shake, you are doing it wrong or not lifting your heels high enough. Also, ballerinas have iron cores, and for good reason: they are constantly working their core, engaging their abs in every single move. Just remember to breathe during barre. Youre going to want to hold your…
Huge fan of barre, but can't tell you about the caloric burn. I do know that i sweat a lot. The one i do, Dailey Method, usually starts with standing arm exercises/very light weights, moves to some floor/plank stuff, then moves to barre (usually incorporating a small pilates ball), then back to floor for bridge work on the…
Strength training or adding in some HIIT will help decrease the chance of getting injured. I hit the problem of doing mainly cardio a few years back and quickly learned how injury prone and weak my body was. Add in strength! It's really great and will boost your weight loss. Tons of ways to do it at home or out on your run…
I love running so much; i am finding that as i get stronger with some weight and resistence training, my legs are stronger and shin splints are not activated. - How often do you run? I run from 3-4x a week - How far, on average, do you run each time? Usually between 2.5-4 miles - How far do you run a week, on average?…
I had a similar pain last year and started really focusing on using my foam roller post-run to work around my IT band to release it and along the hip abductor. Worked amazingly well. I wouldn't lay directly on the pain but rather indirectly on the muscles connecting to the area around it (like the glutes). And go…
I find that apps are helpful, like Sworkit or Hot 5. Good bodyweight exercises that you can throw in with your running wherever. Also, Ballet Beautiful doesn't need weights and can fulfill your pilates-type needs. Just throw the videos on your ipad/laptop/even phone and just do it wherever. you have enough room to throw a…
For running: Podcasts and lots of them. This American Life, Dinner Party Download, The Moth, Nerdist, Radiolab, StarTalk Radio with Neil deGrasse Tyson, WTF with Marc Maron, Stuff You Missed in History Class, RISK, Curious City, The History of Rome, BBC World War One, Welcome to Night Vale.... You name it, then i'll…
Yoga is fantastic as previous posters have suggested. What has also helped me was a lot of barre/ballet stuff. In person i did Dailey Method which i love and then I transitioned it to at home with the awesome Ballet Beautiful videos as well. I feel like not only did i become way more flexible, but my posture GREATLY…
Jillian's dvds are all fantastic; i rotate during the week and often do two in a row of RI30, Extreme S&S, NMTZ, BFBM, 6W6P, and Killer Buns/Thighs. It's to the point where one cycle isn't enough and so i usually tack on the cardio segment from One Week Shred on the back of, say, RI30 Level 2. Or just increase the weight…
And some runners will tell you that they run so they can eat what they want. The Oatmeal has a hilarious piece about running. He runs so he can eat whatever the hell he wants. I can't wait for his running book: I hate calorie restriction, feel like i'm going to pass out from being tired…
Lots of forums on here for 30DS, so i'd go back and read those. My advice: + Watch the levels first before doing them: Helps to know what you're in store for, what you're going to need when, etc. + Drink a lot of water. + You're going to think after the first day of Level 1, "WTF...". This is totally normal. By day 5-6,…