

  • You can definitely work abs/core everyday. The main thing to keep in mind is that is QUALITY in the rep over quantity and just getting it done. Do the exercise right is so much more important and effective than just doing it. If you can do weight bearing exercises everyday than you may need to increase the weight or the #…
  • yes! it is normal. Depending on your diet and exercise routine your body will go thru ebs and flows of weightloss aka adjustment to your changes. if you feel you plateaued then step up your work outs a couple notches i.e. heavier weights or higher # of reps... different exercises.. more exercises etc... I would ask how…
  • For immediate relief, ice your shins after you run. But defintely check the shoes you are running in and ensure they are right for your foot and how you pronate. You may also need arch supports. Be sure to replace your sneakers when the tread wears down as well... Like everyone else said, be sure to stretch. Also work on…