

  • INCREASE!!! what your doing is putting your body into starvation mode.your body needs more fuel. you will actually lose weight faster if you increase your cal count to around that doesn't mean fill your 1500 with cookies, doughnuts, hamburgers , soda, chips, etc..lots of proteins, tuna, fish, grilled chicken…
  • im using the sport-line...its at most retail stores like ****s sporting goods...runs about $70..the most important thing i think you should make sure you get with which ever brand or model you get a chest strap.Now you can go blow up to $300 on one, but i am completely satisfied with mine. my heart rate monitor…
  • NICE WORK YO! i too weigh in every day. same time every morning but i also check before i go to bed...helps me judge the days productivity..i agree that it helps (for me) keep me honest and consistent with my diet and exercise. essentially i am trying to hold on to the wagon with two hands , feet, teeth, etc..hahaha your…
  • Nope ...just heard of it in november...i got all signed up for the sept 10 in portland goal is to have lost 60lbs by the time. i cant wait!!! anyone doing it in sept in oregon hit me up and we'll have turkey legs!!! bahhahahahaaa Good luck everyone.
  • this is incredible motivation...when i started in jan i was 305lbs...i just weighed in at 275..i work out 6 days a week...i do at least 45 min of cardio...combined with weights,,,in the morning i do plyometrics and core strength. some days are harder than others, and i agree about the image issues. i know im losing…
  • its ALL about HABITS...youve lost 12lbs! thats great! try subbing your lunch with tuna or 5oz of chicken.(basically get some protein kick start that metabolism) your weight will come back if you go back to your old routine for your personal talk talk...i hope there is someone you can unload on.,.i know all…