

  • Don't tough it out. The person who came up with "No pain no gain" is an idiot. What you probably need to do is cut back and do small bouts of exercises. Go slow add a little at a time and try to listen your body. As you do an exercise think about where you are feeling it, how does it feel (tight, burning, stabbing, sharp,…
  • Mike, it's actually harder to run outdoors. Treadmills tend to have more give to them and absorb more of the impact of your foot falls unlike asphalt and concrete. It's best to start slow when transitioning to outdoors to prevent "shin splint" (which most of the time are microfractures of the tibia).
  • You are doing a great job. It is best to pace yourself to prevent injuries. I am not sure what would be a good goal for you, but keep up the good work. Don't let the puppet masters at google get you down. :)
  • Often times large weight loss can be cause by loss of water weight. Are you getting enough water, and are you drinking more if you have an intense workout? If you are than you are one of those lucky few that can shed the weight quickly, but the true challenge is to keep it off.
  • Fruit is a better choice than chocolate or ice cream. Fruits contain more complex sugars that require more from our body to break down for use. Fruit also contains fiber, vitamins, and nutrients your body need.
  • Aj- your massage therapist might have figured out you like sugar by your skin. Someone who consumes a lot of sugar does not have the best of skin. Someone who rubs on people's back for a living can tell the difference pretty quickly.
  • I love sweets, my coworkers are killing me by bringing chocolates to share. I have just found Target's sugar-free brand of crystal light type drink mixes are awesome. They are sweeter than Crystal light but don't have the calories. I personally love the cherry limeade. Don't feel like you have to cut sweet completely out,…
  • Yes you can lose weight by decreasing your caloric intake. However, it is much harder to maintain that weight loss without exercise. Exercise builds muscle, muscle burns more calories even when you are at rest. It is best to incorporate some exercise everyday, even if it is a 15 minute walk or climbing the stair instead of…
  • Watch your sodium intake. A high sodium diet can cause you to retain water, thus not lose the weight you wish to. 10 pounds is a good weight loss goal, however you want to be careful how quickly you lose it. It is easier to maintain a healthy weight when losing 1-2 lbs a week. Good luck.
  • Often times you will experience weight gain at the beginning. This is due to an increase in muscle mass, muscle weighs more in relation to fat when comparing volume. As she continues to build muscle she will start to see a decrease in weight. Tell her not to be discouraged, it is a hard road but it well worth the longer…
  • Muscle weighs more than fat if you are comparing by volume. If you take an area of muscle and compare that to the same size area of fat, the muscle will weigh more. People use this saying as a way to understand why when they start to work out, they start to gain weight. Yes the scale is miss leading, however not everyone…