

  • I am a big guy and working at losing weight. I had the same problem with weight loss I lost some and then stayed at the same weight for 2 months. During that time I slowly stopped trying as hard but worked to at least stay at that weight. I just recently decided to try again. Before I began I talked with my doctor and he…
  • I'm sure your probably doing everything right but I also know how you feel I 25 pounds from my goal and have been at the same weight for three weeks without losing anything sometimes gaining a few and working even harder to lose those couple pounds just to bottom out again. One thing I have noticed with my efforts other…
  • You know the answer and so do those who have posted replies. I found that in order to control my weekend calories issues I have a light breakfast, eat what I like for lunch but keep an estimate of the calories from the meal. Then I either have a very light dinner or sometimes an apple or salad if I my lunch was real bad…
  • The daily recommended allowance of calories is a suggested amount of calories that your body requires per day to function. If losing weight you will reduce calories by about 20% for healthy weight lose. What your BF is doing is throwing his body into starvation mode and when he eats his body is trying to store all it can…
  • I hate the word diet because most peeps thing it means I'll do this for a time and then go back to my regular eating habits. Nuff Said! I've simply changed the amount I eat to match the number of calories allowed per day and yes I have started watching my sodium (very important IMO). I too have started eating more fruits…
  • I am not an expert so take my advise with a grain of pepper (I am avoiding salt). I experienced things a little different than you have. Once I lowered my calorie count I lost 12 pounds in the first week. Now for the last 3 days I have gained 6 oz, gained 4 oz. and today lost 4 oz. Not really moving and I have been at or…
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