wsushocker Member


  • I so look forward to being only overweight! I still have a few pounds to go, but I know I will be there soon. Congratulations!!!!!
  • I lived on sugared drinks until I switched to diet drinks about 10 years ago. The sodium content is unbelieveable so I recently decided to try to solely drink the "elixir of the Gods". I still have slight cravings for a diet drink but the cravings are few and far between.
  • I, too, have this site up and going most of the day. It helps motivate me to really consider everything I put into my mouth!
  • This is a great site/app! I literally consider every bite of food that goes into my mouth!
  • When I reach my goal I will be worrying about staying there!
  • Good luck meeting your goal! I have found that entering every food I eat has really opened my eyes to how I abused my body, mind, and soul. I'm not sure how long it will take me to get below the obese level on my scale, and normal is so far on the horizon that I doubt I will ever get there!
  • Welcome aboard! I began using this program on March 1 of this year and I have found it tremendously effective as I have to justify every bit/bite of food that goes into my mouth. My wife started Jenny Craig a few weeks before I began here and we are both seeing wonderful results!
  • I think that is definitely a WOW! I have lost 13 lbs in a little over a month and very few have noticed......Oh well, I know and it makes me happy!