

  • i'm sorry to hear about your injury, but inspired by your determination to not give up! Thank you for that! And you're doing AWESOME!!!!
  • Congrats!!! My husband gets to take care of the kids for an hour while I exercise as well...he's very supportive of my weight loss efforts, but I don't typically "inconvenience" him if I don't need to. We need our husbands to help us out with this! We love all of those that do! ;-)
  • Taking measurements is also a great tip. Losing inches is HUGE! And that reminds me...I need to take my own measurements! :-)
  • First of all, don't do what I always do and stop trying! You will start losing! I recommend that if you are not already, start tracking your caloric intake for the day. It's VERY enlightening to see how the numbers add up at the end of a day. Drink lots of water! And find great support here on MFP. :)
  • I can relate to your post! I think I'm as real as it gets. :) I would love to be a stay at home mom for my 2 children, hoping for a 3rd one day, but for now my husband and I both work outside the home 50+ hours a week. I can appreciate how much work it is to stay home and take care of children, and I can also appreciate…
  • My favorite fish recipe is our family standby...derived from a SouthBeach Diet recipe. Broiled Salmon with Rosemary Serves 2 1/2 lb salmon (you can ask the seafood dept to remove the skin, or leave it on until serving, in which case you can usually scoop the salmon off the skin in one piece with a spatula) 1 t. olive oil 1…