tstover Posts: 4
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I'm 35, 5'5" - and I'm having so much trougle losing weight. I began going to the gym on 1/9/11 and have been goin 4-5 times per week. I also entered a "biggest loser" contest that the gym is having. So far I have only lost 5 pounds. It is so frustrating!!!!!!! Any tips or suggestions would be great to help me boost my weight loss and build my confidence that this is actually working.


  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm 35, 5'5" - and I'm having so much trougle losing weight. I began going to the gym on 1/9/11 and have been goin 4-5 times per week. I also entered a "biggest loser" contest that the gym is having. So far I have only lost 5 pounds. It is so frustrating!!!!!!! Any tips or suggestions would be great to help me boost my weight loss and build my confidence that this is actually working.

    What kind of exercises are you doing at the gym?
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    1. Make your Food Diary public so we can help with that.
    2. Take measurements-you can get leaner without losing weight as muscle is denser than fat.
  • i the only thing i can think of is you r building up alot of muscles sometimes we need to think beond the weight on the scales and actually measure ourselfs and see if theres a difference tht way. i know it is very frustrating as i constantly look at the scales and and also find it hard to loose but like u i work out alot. and muscles weigh more then fat and are smaller than fat though!! so have to tell myself tht. hope thts helped a bit.
  • the exercise is going great good job!!! it must be your food intake. are you keeping a diary?
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hang in there! What kinds of foods are you eating? I know that cardio really helps with losing the weight, I usually get on the treadmill and do plenty of jogging.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    It's hard to tell without seeing your food diary. Would be happy to look and see if I can help:smile:
  • Shaye85
    Shaye85 Posts: 107
    Take a look at what your eating. even if your at or under your calorie goal...are you eating alot of processed foods? if you are get rid of them, eat healthy natural foods, you will see a diffirence. Are you eating back your "workout" calories burned? dont...this is the only place ive seen it done and i never eat them back.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Keep your head up! You'll start losing!!!
  • all i can suggest is MORE WATER, and ALOT of small meals. Sometimes when your buiding muscle u dont see the weight loss right away, becasue muscle weighs more but thats a GOOD thing since muscle burns fat. You will see the loss eventually.

    Also make sure u use the same scale, on the same day, at the same time every time yuo weigh and RESIST the urge to weigh yourself all the time. I so it on monday, 1st thing in the am, and i try not to peek before that.

    You might also want to try taking your measurements, you may see INCHES lost before you see pounds. THATS a great motivator. Most of all DONT STRESS!!!

    Remember it took along time to put it on, it may take awhile to get it off.

    Heres my theory, time wont stop so next week, next month, next year will still come. If I weigh less in 2 months, no matter how little, its still better than weighing more.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    you need to open your diary before anyone can help you. we can't see what your eating and how much and when. you get alot more help if you open it. it takes the guessing game out of it.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    It takes some time to figure out the "magical" formula of calories Vs. exercise Vs. exerceise calories that works for you. I was on MFP for about 6 months before I started to lose consistently.

    A few things to consider:
    drink MORE than 8 glasses of water per day, I try for 10
    do not eat after 8pm
    have only clean food (no processed, no junk)
    try to eat 1/2 of your exercise calories, especially on days where you have really worked out vigorously

    It often takes our bodies a bit of time to catch up and figure out what we are doing. Don't be discouraged, the more slowly you lose the better chance that it will stay off!
  • First of all, don't do what I always do and stop trying! You will start losing! I recommend that if you are not already, start tracking your caloric intake for the day. It's VERY enlightening to see how the numbers add up at the end of a day. Drink lots of water! And find great support here on MFP. :)
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    Weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. So without knowing what you are eating- no one can really help you.
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    Remember when it comes to weightloss it is 70% diet, 20% exercise and 10% genetics.

    Also, I think 5lbs is pretty good. you are losing 1lb per week. Keep at it and you will see bigger changes:)
  • Kimlarge
    Kimlarge Posts: 5 Member
    That's great that you've got the gym routine down! But to echo what a lot of people have been saying - what type of exercises are you doing? Jogging / interval run/walking on the treadmill burns a lot of calories as does Spinning or doing the elliptical at a high level.

    Also I would suggest a heart rate monitor if its in your budget bc it tells you exactly how many calories you've burned. In my experience the calories the machines tell me I've burned are waaay off, as are the myfitnesspal guesses.

    Hope that helps! Don't give up! Going to the gym 4-5 x per week is a HUGE accomplishment even if you aren't seeing it on the scale!
  • gdotman
    gdotman Posts: 64
    I'm 35, 5'5" - and I'm having so much trougle losing weight. I began going to the gym on 1/9/11 and have been goin 4-5 times per week. I also entered a "biggest loser" contest that the gym is having. So far I have only lost 5 pounds. It is so frustrating!!!!!!! Any tips or suggestions would be great to help me boost my weight loss and build my confidence that this is actually working.

    I was just curious, but I to have joined the Biggest Loser Contest at my gym. Do you go to The Rush Fitness Center? Didn't know if it was nationwide contest.
  • 1. Make your Food Diary public so we can help with that.
    2. Take measurements-you can get leaner without losing weight as muscle is denser than fat.

    Taking measurements is also a great tip. Losing inches is HUGE! And that reminds me...I need to take my own measurements! :-)
  • Nelly711
    Nelly711 Posts: 52
    I eat 6 times a day. Very small meals. I am at 1200 calories as well. I started paying attention to the "junk" I ate and became alot more aware of eating healthy, natural foods. Don't get me wrong, I still splurge every now and then, but if I don't, I will get discouraged like you.

    Make your diary PUBLIC. That has helped me more than anything. I am not going to enter junk on here for all to see what I eat!

    All I do is walk/jog on the treadmill and stay within my calorie goal for the day! I am looking at a 3 lb weight loss this week!!

    Keep your head up, going to they gym, you are going to bulid muscle as well, so you won't lose weight. :)
  • nlewis22
    nlewis22 Posts: 107 Member
    Drink water. It flushes you out, lubricates your GI tract and fills your stomach. Plus, it just makes you feel better.
  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
    You have alread received some excellent advice and comments. I just want to say - YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!. You lost #5 pounds in a month - that's a sack of potatos - LOL! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
    Great job with your time in the GYM - be proud of you - work outs should leave you sweaty and full of endprphins - and make ya smile! Ignore the scale - focus on what's going in your body and making sure your workouts are safe and benificial. Then have a chat with your scale every couple of weeks along with measurements and NEVER give up on you!!! We won't either!
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