seabirdie12 Member


  • I think you're doing fine. MFP usually overestimates on the calories burned. It wants you to NET the 1600-1700 calories. So that means eating back your exercise calories. If you already have your activity level factored in, then I wouldn't worry about it. If you start to feel lethargic, or are noticing that you're craving…
  • This. If you mean 300 calories of a sandwhich is "better" for you in the sense that you'll lose weight faster, that is true. Losing weight is all about calories in vs calories out. Overall health is not. You could lose weight on 1200 calories of ice cream a day. Is it healthy? No.
  • I drink a LOT of diet soda. I love it. It hasn't hindered my weight loss. That being said, I switched to caffeine free only (except when I go out). I didn't realize it until after I quit, but the constant caffeine highs and lows were really effecting my mood. I've been a lot less irritable and been able to sleep better…
  • Can you purchase a soft measuring tape to measure inches? They're pretty cheap and easy to find with the sewing supplies. If for some reason you can't, or you can't find one, take a string or a piece of yarn and wrap it around your waist and mark it (don't cut it because it'll be really hard to hold it and measure again…
  • Your arms are the smallest part of you around, so they're going to lose inches at a slower rate comparatively. Do you do any upper body exercises to strengthen your arms?
  • If you don't want to, you don't have to. Have you thought about taking measurements instead? You should be tracking your progress in some way, just so you know if there is something off with your diet.
  • Food scales are super cheap and will seriously benefit you in the log run. How long have you been doing this for? You said you never used to workout, so if you're just starting a new exercise plan your muscles will be retaining some water (especially if they're sore). Don't weigh yourself everyday for the first couple of…
  • Are you tracking everything meticulously? Not just estimating, but really tracking and recording everything? Even on your treat day? If you're just guesstimating the 100-200 over, you could be eating more than you think you are. No one likes to admit that the problem is with their recording, but a lot of times it is. If…
  • I'm in the same boat as you. I had a really horrible relationship in high school and gained a ton of weight. At my highest weight he left me, and I became so depressed that I just didn't eat. I lost about 90 lbs from just not eating and completely screwed up my relationship with food. I have trouble counting calories…
  • Don't feed the troll.
  • Because all ethical vegans are exactly the same. OP - You know your friends better than any of us do. Everyone is the same, not all vegans shove their beliefs down omni's throats, just like not all omni's try and shove their meat down vegan's throats. You just need to tell them to stop. Point blank. If they can't respect…
  • I haven't tried it personally, but I use Bulle Green Zone in my post-workout smoothies with Vega One whole nutrition powder. I don't honestly know if it's made a difference or not, but I'd like to think it has. I guess that doesn't help much, haha.
  • This is my first post but I've been at this for a while so I wanted to share. Don't wait until everything is perfect before you start. Things will *never* be perfect. There will always be something going on. Stress, birthdays, holidays, parties, get togethers, etc. Just start. You don't have to stress about big things in…