Quitting Diet Soda?

So I am a diet pepsiholic i can drink between 2-4+ cans a day!! I used to weight less than i was but gained randomly and my shorts don't fit im like 4 lbs away from my old weight and my shorts are fitting weird I'm 5'1.5" so i don't know if 4 lbs will make a bigger diff if I'm shorter also I'm at a lower weight btw!

So does drinking diet sodas make u look puffier than u r and does it make your shorts/pants/etc fit tighter?
What happened when you quit? Advice, Experience? Did u lose any weight?


  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    So I am a diet pepsiholic i can drink between 2-4+ cans a day!! I used to weight less than i was but gained randomly and my shorts don't fit im like 4 lbs away from my old weight and my shorts are fitting weird I'm 5'1.5" so i don't know if 4 lbs will make a bigger diff if I'm shorter also I'm at a lower weight btw!

    So does drinking diet sodas make u look puffier than u r and does it make your shorts/pants/etc fit tighter?
    What happened when you quit? Advice, Experience? Did u lose any weight?

    No diet soda will not make you look puffier nor will stopping drinking diet soda but changing nothing else about your diet or exercise have any effect on your weightloss whatsoever.

    Diet soda is pretty much water with a little bit of flavoring. The sodium content is minimal, the nutritional value non-existent. It has no effect at all on diet.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    So I am a diet pepsiholic i can drink between 2-4+ cans a day!! I used to weight less than i was but gained randomly and my shorts don't fit im like 4 lbs away from my old weight and my shorts are fitting weird I'm 5'1.5" so i don't know if 4 lbs will make a bigger diff if I'm shorter also I'm at a lower weight btw!

    So does drinking diet sodas make u look puffier than u r and does it make your shorts/pants/etc fit tighter?
    What happened when you quit? Advice, Experience? Did u lose any weight?

    No diet soda will not make you look puffier nor will stopping drinking diet soda but changing nothing else about your diet or exercise have any effect on your weightloss whatsoever.

    Diet soda is pretty much water with a little bit of flavoring. The sodium content is minimal, the nutritional value non-existent. It has no effect at all on diet.

  • stickersticker
    stickersticker Posts: 140 Member

    Diet soda is pretty much water with a little bit of flavoring. The sodium content is minimal, the nutritional value non-existent. It has no effect at all on diet.

  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Cigarettes don't cause you to gain weight either, and may actually help you lose weight.......I certianly wouldn't say that they are okay for you though.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    If you want to lose 4lbs, you'll have to cut your intake or up your exercise...or both. Cutting out a zero calorie beverage won't do anything to help you lose weight.
  • seabirdie12
    seabirdie12 Posts: 13 Member
    I drink a LOT of diet soda. I love it. It hasn't hindered my weight loss.

    That being said, I switched to caffeine free only (except when I go out). I didn't realize it until after I quit, but the constant caffeine highs and lows were really effecting my mood. I've been a lot less irritable and been able to sleep better since I switched to caffeine free.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Diet soda has no calories and will not interfere with weight loss. It has minimal sodium and there's no reason it would make anyone retain water or "look puffy" - caffeine is a diuretic and will make you release more water, in fact.

    There's a lot of fear mongering about chemicals around here, so other people may tell you it is unsafe. I've lost 26 lbs and I drink diet soda every day.
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    in for info
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Cigarettes don't cause you to gain weight either, and may actually help you lose weight.......I certianly wouldn't say that they are okay for you though.

    Did you just really compare cigarettes to diet soda....?
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    This is another hot topic on here like giving up sugar or "clean eating" :laugh:

    I personally gave up diet soda and anything else with aspartame a year ago and noticed a big improvement in how I felt within a week or two. I did this before I made any other changes in my lifestyle so I am pretty sure it was from this. I have no scientific proof (like some people on here want) I can only tell you my experience. I had fewer headaches, less bloating and more energy. I also have several people I work with who don't consume aspartame generally but if they do they notice the effects pretty quickly.

    Ultimately you have to do what will work for you but there is no harm in trying, but if you are drinking diet soda with caffeine I would say maybe to gradually reduce it because I have heard caffeine withdrawl can cause problems.

    Other people will disagree with me, but it isn't going to kill you to give it up so why not try and if it doesn't help what you want it to help and you really still want you diet soda then go back to drinking it.
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    It's my last vice. I just can't give it up.

    It has not hindered my personal weight loss, as you can see by the ticker :)

    I don't drink coffee, so it's my only source of caffeine.