ccchick Member


  • I've had the same water bottle for about 3 years now and it has never leaked unless I put the cap on wrong. it a Nathan water bottle and all the parts can go in the dishwasher, its BPA free and comes in all sizes. I bought it at Target and have recently seen them at Marshall's.
  • When I grocery shop, I get the ingredients for 7 dinners. I then choose from those dinner options during the week, I do not plan to have a certain meal on a certain day (this doesn't work for me either!) Meal planning for our family is more about saving money, so I try to only shop once a week.
  • If you like to walk, but can't due to the weather, check out the local mall. Most open their doors early in the morning (before the stores open) and stay open until 9pm. Its a great place to walk especially if you have knee problems and you will never miss out on any sales!
  • I have two little boys, 4 and 6. I have found that they like some of the same veggies, just prepared differently. For example, the 6 yr-old loves frozen peas straight from the freezer (easiest side dish ever!) while the 4 yr-old likes them steamed. Keep trying the veggies, and mix-up how you prepare them. Start with the…
  • Love my treadmill!!! I have two small boys and I would not be able to run as much as I do without it! To combat the boredom of basically running in place, I set the laptop on a table in front of the treadmill and watch tv shows on demand. You can watch most shows for free!
  • I used to get these when I first started to run. Mine went away when I corrected my form. I found that as I ran, my arms swung across my body turning my torso. After I corrected this (shoulders staying in line with the hips) the pains went away. hope that helps!
  • Ham Avocado shredded cabbage hot sauce lime juice cilantro cumin queso fresco spinach
  • Try sandwich thins or Flat-out wraps instead of bread to save some calories.
  • I like Pilates a lot and have been including it in my workout for several years. It is really great for improving your core. I use a book by Brooke Siler called Pilates Body. With this book you do not need ANY equipment. Just be careful, start out slow and don't try to do too much. This is a strength training program so a…
    in Pilates Comment by ccchick January 2009
  • The Jillian Michales DVD "Cardio Kickbox" doesn't require any equipment or lots of room. Great 25 minute workout. Its also available for instant viewing on NetFlix.
  • I'm not a huge breakfast food fan, so I like to make smoothies in the morning.