Picky 7 year old!



  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    Thank you! I have seen my son refuse to eat for a day and a half because I tried to keep him from eating what he liked. That resulted in him telling his school that I am refusing to feed him and me getting CPS called.

    That's messed up how kids will retaliate like that. At 7? I still think it's a battle of the wills here. If he's going to pull THAT, then you aren't going to get him to eat things he doesn't like. Why? Well because he knows you won't go there.

    If you try the hard core method again, I'd make sure to write a letter to the school before hand. Or try thiis on a friday so you have the weekend to battle.

    but your not starving him your giving him a healthy meal its up to him to eat it. I say let CPS come they will see your not starving him and he will learn that trick will not work end of story.

    there are tons of ways to healthy up the things he will already eat
    example instead of frozen pizza make it at home from scratch with whole wheat flour and lots of vegies
    instead of chicken nuggets from the store make some at home with bone less skin less chicken ( My girls like them baked in crushed prezels) which are yummy and still a treat but way healthier than the processed ones
  • ccchick
    ccchick Posts: 11 Member
    I have two little boys, 4 and 6. I have found that they like some of the same veggies, just prepared differently. For example, the 6 yr-old loves frozen peas straight from the freezer (easiest side dish ever!) while the 4 yr-old likes them steamed. Keep trying the veggies, and mix-up how you prepare them. Start with the raw veggie and then try the cooked version and then try adding a sauce. A lot of the time it is the extra stuff we put on the veggies that the kids don't like. Also, some kids need to be given the opportunity to try the same foods 10 - 12 times before they finally get around to trying them! Keep putting the food on the plate, the more they see it and the more they see YOU eat it, the more likely they are to try it! (oh, and if you don't eat your veggies, they won't either!)