Picky 7 year old!



  • jeannec3631
    jeannec3631 Posts: 108 Member
    perfectly said!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member

    Oh and in regard to what the child ate as a baby.... Maybe thats because they dont have pizza, snack cakes and crap like that in baby food jars....

    that right there should be a clue....
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I just wonder, how if you say you have no income, no job, you have $200 a month for food...how do you have the internet? Are you incapable of working? Go apply at Mcdonald's if you have to. SOMEONE is always hiring. The area I live in was hit HARD because of the economy and I know all the restaurants, fast food places, etc. still hire.

    Is it just you and him? Because I was feeding a family of four off of a budget of $280/month. That includes a grown male, myself and my two children ages 7 and 8. This also included 10 lunches/week for them for school. That was a budget that I created for us because there's no need to spend a lot of money of food. I never once had a problem finding things to make and having left overs to get extra stuff.

    If its just you and your son, that's $50 a week. That is plenty. Talk to your local grocery stores, they will tell you when they get produce in. On those days, they always have their older produce practically free, but you have to be there fairly early. I am assuming since you don't have a job you can go once your son in school. I buy this when I can and freeze what we won't eat that day or the day after.

    Junk food is more expensive. Maybe you need help with healthy meals? Maybe you need help cooking? Google it.
    This is the last one I am replying too then I am done with everyone. I have $200 a month in FOOD STAMPS if you read that part. The internet is my fathers. McDonalds turned me away because I can not get day care for my son to work the hours they want. And "someone" is not always hiring people that can not drive. There are 5 places to work within walking distance, I interviewed with all 5 and was passed over. So I only make it to the store about 2x a month as well due to not driving, I have to depend on rides. I do not need help with healthy meals or cooking.
    Apparently 80% of the people reading this can not read. I did not ask to be put down or spoke down to. I asked for TIPS to add healthier food to what my son already will eat. Learn to answer what was asked or stop talking.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I asked for TIPS to add healthier food to what my son already will eat. Learn to answer what was asked or stop talking.
    And you got many valid TIPS, bossypants....
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member

    He used to be way more open to different foods. As a baby he loved anything green: spinach lasagna, chicken and broccoli, ect. He used to love steak and pork chops. The older he got the less he was willing to try. I have tried the "you can only eat what I cook foods" and that resulted in him sitting at the table for 3 hours not eatting anything. I am not the type of person to force a child to do anything. Not for 3 hours at least. Don't think that he gets away with what he wants and doesnt have to do anything he is told, that is not true. His Dr has told me not to worry too much about what he eats because right now he is perfectly healthy and not over weight at all.

    you are setting it up as a battle of wills... my 6 year old would sit there for a month and scream and fight. That is not how i play the game. When we are done eating we clean up and walk away. I let him leave his plate out for a while if he changes his mind before bed time. I would never force him to sit there.

    Few kids are stubborn enough to starve themselves...

    Exactly my thoughts. I think most people don't realize how "open" kids get when they know something else ain't coming. Hunger is a helluva motivator. And no, (for the other parents that don't approve) the child won't whither away if they don't get dinner one day.

    If the rest of us finishes our dinner, we get deesert. Nothing like eating our deserts in front of the one that decides not to eat their veggies that night. haha
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    But I do understand how having a limited budget and a picky eater can be a stressing situation. But it makes the importance of eating right even more so. You don't have the time, energy or finances to cater to one person.
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member

  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member


    really wow.. bossypants. havent heard that one before. Yeah I got helpful tips. I also got a lot of people telling me I am setting my child up for failure, making horrible choices, and making excuses. I, again, dont care if my son eats what he already eats, just wanted to add something healthy to what he eats. Grilled cheese and steamed veggies, or pepperoni pizza and fruit salad.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Thank you! I have seen my son refuse to eat for a day and a half because I tried to keep him from eating what he liked. That resulted in him telling his school that I am refusing to feed him and me getting CPS called.

    That's messed up how kids will retaliate like that. At 7? I still think it's a battle of the wills here. If he's going to pull THAT, then you aren't going to get him to eat things he doesn't like. Why? Well because he knows you won't go there.

    If you try the hard core method again, I'd make sure to write a letter to the school before hand. Or try thiis on a friday so you have the weekend to battle.
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member


    really wow.. bossypants. havent heard that one before. Yeah I got helpful tips. I also got a lot of people telling me I am setting my child up for failure, making horrible choices, and making excuses. I, again, dont care if my son eats what he already eats, just wanted to add something healthy to what he eats. Grilled cheese and steamed veggies, or pepperoni pizza and fruit salad.

    you could always try adding purees to the foods you do actually cook.This is an excellent book. http://www.amazon.com/Deceptively-Delicious-Simple-Secrets-Eating/dp/0061251348
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member


    really wow.. bossypants. havent heard that one before. Yeah I got helpful tips. I also got a lot of people telling me I am setting my child up for failure, making horrible choices, and making excuses. I, again, dont care if my son eats what he already eats, just wanted to add something healthy to what he eats. Grilled cheese and steamed veggies, or pepperoni pizza and fruit salad.

    you could always try adding purees to the foods you do actually cook.This is an excellent book. http://www.amazon.com/Deceptively-Delicious-Simple-Secrets-Eating/dp/0061251348
    My friend suggested buying like colored baby foods and adding them to what he eats and I am willing to do that.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    This is the last one I am replying too then I am done with everyone.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Thank you! I have seen my son refuse to eat for a day and a half because I tried to keep him from eating what he liked. That resulted in him telling his school that I am refusing to feed him and me getting CPS called.

    That's messed up how kids will retaliate like that. At 7? I still think it's a battle of the wills here. If he's going to pull THAT, then you aren't going to get him to eat things he doesn't like. Why? Well because he knows you won't go there.

    If you try the hard core method again, I'd make sure to write a letter to the school before hand. Or try thiis on a friday so you have the weekend to battle.

    Off Topic(sorry to hijack Op!) but we have a family friend, and her daughter made threats like that all the time when the mom wouldn't buy her the latest coach purse or w/e the hell her lil heart wanted that day.

    Kids these days are very smart.. and it sounds like OP is doing the best she can with what she has. Plus schools have to investigate all matters of abuse, even if there was a letter, because it's the law.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    b00b0084. If you are angry because of some of the replies, why are you only replying to the negative posts?
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    This is just an example of "GENERATIONS OF BAD HABITS". Most of us are here to try to break that cycle.

    Going back over the thread I realized that maybe it is the way the food is prepared. If you are not familiar with cooking techniques and ingredients, even adults won't like many foods. Example: Sauteed and roasted is always better than boiled or canned. Search online for healthy low cost recipes. See if you can just try something different 1 day a week.
    I have been on MFP for over a year and have learned it takes work to break bad habits. You can do this. If you are serious about wanting to help your child and yourself It will take work on your part. But you have everything you need if you have a computer.
    Search online. Don't ask anyone's opinion because you will get it. Good and Bad.
    I found these websites I hope they are a start.

    http://www.choosemyplate.gov/budget.html Is a government site with tips on eating right on a buget.

    http://www.choosemyplate.gov/kids/kids_game.html Is a site where kids can enter what they eat, It's a game. Teaches them about healthy choices. My Grandson loves it. He's 10.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • alishastradtman
    Seriously? I am ashamed at some people on here. Calling names and making fun at peoples hard times. One day you will be in a situation that you NEVER planned on being in and how would you feel if someone kicked you while you were down. Sounds like some people really need to GROW UP. Wow.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Seriously? I am ashamed at some people on here. Calling names and making fun at peoples hard times. One day you will be in a situation that you NEVER planned on being in and how would you feel if someone kicked you while you were down. Sounds like some people really need to GROW UP. Wow.

    Just about everyone falls on hard times at some point in their life. And while it totally sucks to be in that situation, the "poor me, I can't afford to buy healthy food" attitude just makes it worse. It's just an excuse not to get creative and actually think through your food buying process and how you can optimize nutrition for your family in your current situation.

    Excuses are such a waste of valuable time and energy.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    That would not be a good food-stamp choice.... at all...

    A jar of pureed baby food tends to run about .50 cents per 4oz jar
    A 1# bag of fresh or frozen carrots, runs about $1.00 per 16oz bag. You SAVE $1.00 by purchasing fresh carrots and puree them on your own!

    But you complained that you only have $200 or so a month for Food stamps? Its cheaper to purchase fresh and you get more for your food stamp allocation. But purchasing a 4 oz jar of baby food is the best idea you have? WOW!

    Im not sorry to say this, but clearly you have painted a much bigger picture of yourself here.... Youre unwillingness to consider reality is just as bad as being the contributor to your child's poor eating habits. Yes, and with all due respect, because your child looks up to YOU and the things you do and dont do, the child will naturally follow suit. If you eat spaghettios, your child eats spaghettios.... why? Because you are making the purchases - purchases that are poor choices, they are quick and easy foods that all you have to do is reheat.... It requires extremely little effort and its a quick fix to keep your kid quiet from complaining and you avoid the battles...

    So many of us gave you GREAT ideas for incorporating real healthy varieties of food, even on a food stamp budget that many of us acknowledged. But yet, you are so quick to say "Ill get a jar of baby food" - that is the worst idea I have ever heard - you will NEVER get this kid to actually deal with real foods by using baby food.

    Until you can come to terms, and perhaps a massive reality check that you are definitely part of the problem with your child, you and your child will never learn to correct your mistakes... you will just keep making them because its either easier to use the bad foods to avoid a conflict you have created with your son, or its quick and easy and you just dont want to bother making an effort to actually make a real meal with real food.... Ive known people like you, always full of excuses.... I just sit back and let them air out their excuses and when they run out of air from talking.... I simply refuse to believe any of it because no matter what, thats all you are... full of excuses...

    .50 cents for a jar of baby food vs. $1.00 for a 16oz bag of fresh or frozen carrots...... hmmmmmmm doesnt take an Accounting Degree to know what makes more financial sense when you are restricted on food stamps...

    If you love your child and love yourself - you will stop purchasing JUNK FOOD like canned spaghettios, and actually make a real dish of pasta with marinara and add some vegetables to it.

    Its time to get real, deal with reality here....

    Im done with you- she doesnt want to be helped and doesnt want to deal with the fact she caused this for her and her son... the excuse of 'only have $200 food stamps per month' is a freakin' joke...
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Yeah, if you are going to put that info out there, at 486 posts, you should know that you are going to get some negative reactions. But seriously, who are we? We are no one or we are someone. It's you that chooses to make a particular post valid or not.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member


    really wow.. bossypants. havent heard that one before. Yeah I got helpful tips. I also got a lot of people telling me I am setting my child up for failure, making horrible choices, and making excuses. I, again, dont care if my son eats what he already eats, just wanted to add something healthy to what he eats. Grilled cheese and steamed veggies, or pepperoni pizza and fruit salad.

    you could always try adding purees to the foods you do actually cook.This is an excellent book. http://www.amazon.com/Deceptively-Delicious-Simple-Secrets-Eating/dp/0061251348
    My friend suggested buying like colored baby foods and adding them to what he eats and I am willing to do that.

    I think it's a great idea...and try a few jars and see if he even bats an eye....he probably wont. Then I'd buy fresh vegetables and puree them yourself, it'll save you a ton of money as baby food is costly.