what do you eat?

When your not hungry for breakfast?

I've never been a breakfast fan but I've gotten into the habit of two scrabled eggs in the morning. Yet, right now the though of eggs makes me sick! I know I need to eat something...but I don't want anything!

- ok this might have turned more into a rant :laugh:


  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    When your not hungry for breakfast?

    I've never been a breakfast fan but I've gotten into the habit of two scrabled eggs in the morning. Yet, right now the though of eggs makes me sick! I know I need to eat something...but I don't want anything!

    - ok this might have turned more into a rant :laugh:
  • disobedientmeek
    i know what you mean - i dont feel like eating in the morning ut im hungry from 3pm to 9pm :angry:
  • killianrjkl
    I have a Thomas' Double Fiber English Muffin with low fat peanut butter and a cup of Lipton Jasmine Green Tea. Sometimes a slice of low sodium bacon. I was never a breakfast eater either but it works for me.
  • xtraquispe
    xtraquispe Posts: 24 Member
    Try a yummy meal replacement shake! If you like coffee, you can use a shot of coffe, a scoop of chocolate Powder, half a banana, ice and milk or water and have a YUMMY breakfast that fills you up! You can get a GREAT tasting powder from www.beachbodycoach.com/xtraquispe ... click on products. The beach body powder has the perfect amount of protein, fats and cals to get a replacement on breakfast and fuel you through lunch! If you don't like coffee, you can also try the vanilla with fruit!

  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    When your not hungry for breakfast?

    I've never been a breakfast fan but I've gotten into the habit of two scrabled eggs in the morning. Yet, right now the though of eggs makes me sick! I know I need to eat something...but I don't want anything!

    - ok this might have turned more into a rant :laugh:

    You might try toast and a little, natural peanut butter, no sugar added. Try for a protein. Believe it or not, I like to eat cottage cheese even in the a.m. I am a big breakfast eater so I don't have the problem you do. I think it would take time to adjust to eating in the a.m. if you are used to not. What about some sort of drink like Fusion or something loaded with what you need to start the day? You could add a piece of toast to that. I really like the "I can't believe it's butter" spray" on toast. I've been staying away from a lot of fruits but now that my exercise routine is kicked in I will need more. Also, if you have a pro to ask, see if what you eat at night, and what time, might affect your morning meal(or how you feel when you eat?). Breakfast is like "Break Fast" so you have been fasting in your sleep time and it is important to "power up" your bod for the day. I eat more during the mornings most of the time, then I do later on. Because then I have all day to burn it off. It will get easier if you keep practicing eating just a little bit at a time. The thought of just eggs gags even me, LOL!! I use canadian bacon(a portion)w/onions and I opt for parmesan instead of regular cheese. Then I wrap it in a multi-grain tortilla. But again, that it something I worked up to. I also love a bowl of oatmeal(made the way I like it, non-gaggy)with raisins, walnuts and a tsp of brown sugar.

    Hope this helped some, denise in Sams Valley Oregon
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I have a Thomas' Double Fiber English Muffin with low fat peanut butter and a cup of Lipton Jasmine Green Tea. Sometimes a slice of low sodium bacon. I was never a breakfast eater either but it works for me.

    Ohhhhhhhh, this sounds good!! Im gonna try this one. Forgot about English muffins, yum:):laugh:
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    I'm sitting here trying to figure out what I want for breakfast too!

    Some people who don't like breakfast food just eat dinner leftovers or a sandwich for breakfast. I'm a fan of peanut butter on something when I don't feel like eggs or my other standard, oatmeal.

    Hmm, ok, I'm hungry ... :::: heading for the kitchen to poke around for something to eat :::::

    :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    After an entire lifetime of not eating breakfast until I found myself scarfing down a huge buttered sweet muffin halfway through the morning, I have finally learned to eat in the morning even though I'm not waking up hungry. Fortunately, about 50% of the time, now, I DO wake up hungry, and that to me is a good thing.

    Something is better than nothing at all. A small bowl of raisin bran, a banana smeared with PB, yogurt with ground flax in it, make some hard boiled eggs and keep 'em in the fridge to grab on the way out the door, -- something, girl, just something.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I always have a shake with either Soy Slender or FF milk w/ no sugar added nesquick and matcha powder. Along with that, I have toast with PB, a fiber one pop-tart (omg these are so good), or pumpkin muffin. I like fast stuff I can eat in the 30 seconds it takes me to get to my car. On the weekends I'll make steel cut oats or cocoa wheats and a shake.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    After an entire lifetime of not eating breakfast until I found myself scarfing down a huge buttered sweet muffin halfway through the morning, I have finally learned to eat in the morning even though I'm not waking up hungry. Fortunately, about 50% of the time, now, I DO wake up hungry, and that to me is a good thing.

    Something is better than nothing at all. A small bowl of raisin bran, a banana smeared with PB, yogurt with ground flax in it, make some hard boiled eggs and keep 'em in the fridge to grab on the way out the door, -- something, girl, just something.

    Wahoooooooooooooooo!!! You quit smoking also!!! Oh I want to get my sister on this site so bad!!! Thanks for sharing that. Good advice on the brekkie thing too:) Have a great day!!!! denise
  • ccchick
    ccchick Posts: 11 Member
    I'm not a huge breakfast food fan, so I like to make smoothies in the morning.