cindyss Member


  • First off, I think you look great, keep up the good work, and my suggestion would be to keep working at staying FIT, and quit worrying about the weight....find a way to look at yourself and start saying I've worked hard, I FEEL good and I LOOK good!! We are our own worst critics, appreciate when those around you are saying…
  • I'm no expert in first question would be, the quality and size of your shoes, our feet will normally swell, so if your shoes are small, well then maybe......I would suggest a n actual running store where they can recommend proper shoes, may cost a little more, but worth it.
  • It's gonna be a personal choice, I have had Skechers and Avias, not sure what style # but they are more bulky than some I've tried on. I do alot of walking ( 6-10 miles a couple times a week) and very little jogging, I like them because my heel doesn't bother me like when I wear regular (flat) tennies. If you can afford to…
  • I think of it this tight and uncomfortable were my clothes before losing weight? keep up the good work, and when you buy something new in a smaller size yoo hoo!!! celebrate
  • I'm in for the challenge, I'm going BIG.......100miles is my goal, started on halloween, so I have an extra day:
  • Don't let what anyone else does get you down, when you are shopping buy what you want and need, if they get close enough to you and are looking funny just ask then if they have an suggestions on how to prepare something in your basket....I find most people aren't really paying attention to anyone else anyway, so just keep…
  • I have both Skeechers and Avias, I like the Avias better, and they were $20 cheaper, I don't know about the shaping and toning, but I have less heel pain while wearing them, both when walking and I also wear them at work on my feet all day. so yes I like them, and for roughly $100 I think it's worth it
    in shoes! Comment by cindyss August 2010
  • I am not an expert or anything, but it could be a combo of not enough calories (nutrition) for the amount you are burning with exercise, sometimes just changing up what and when you eat can change up your metabolism and kick start things..Also measure yourself and look at inches lost and not just pounds lost. Don't give…
  • I just boil them with a little salt ( like you would if you were making potato salad) I've actually had potato salad made with both sweet and white potatoes, mm good!!
  • thank you for sharing, can't wait to try them